Tag: Acorn Electron

The Ghosts of Blackwood Manor Coming Soon for all Major Home Vintage Computers

Stefan Vogt aka @8bit_era on Twitter recently announced a new horror text adventure is coming to various vintage home computers. Bookmark his itch page here, we’ll keep you updated with more News. My brand new #Infocom style Horror #adventure "The Ghosts of Blackwood Manor" is due to be released soon for all major home computers of the #80s. Here are…

The Darkness of Raven Wood, by Rucksack Games, BBC Micro/Electron

The year is 1862. You received a letter from your old childhood friend Raynard. You have kept in touch on and off since you left your village for the city to find work and a more interesting lifestyle. Raynard elected to stay and eventually moved to a neighbouring village called Raven Wood to take over the running of his fathers’…

Vitno Update: New Game Reviews!

News Updates from Vintage is the New Old. Two new game reviews have been added to our reviews page today. First up is Karateka by CheekyCrissy and the second is Cybertron Mission on the Acorn Electron by Stuart Johns. You can check out these latest reviews on our Reviews Page, as well as many other ones by Robert Joy and…