Category: Announcement

Scene World Podcast Ep. #204 – ScummVM with Eugene Sandulenko

In our new episode we welcome Eugene Sandulenko. He is one of the project leaders of ScummVM – a program which allows you to run certain classic graphical adventure and role-playing games (yes, including on the Amiga!). Enjoy! The interview starts at minute 30:10 Watch/listen to:

Scene World Ep. #202 – Making the fan-made Broken Sword 2.5 with Marius Gosch

In our new episode we welcome Marius Gosch, one of the founders of the Broken Sword 2.5 project. (which also runs on Amiga btw thanks to being added to ScummVM since 2016!) He’ll tell us about some insights and his work as a story- and puzzle writer on this amazing fan-made Broken Sword 2 sequel of the adventure classic. The…

Scene World Podcast Ep. #198 – Music for the Virtual Boy with Tronimal

We are happy to welcome back chiptune maestro Tronimal! He is well-known for amazing Gameboy music albums and energetic live performances. This time we are talking about his upcoming Virtual Boy album and the process of making an album for Nintendo’s early VR attempt. The interview section starts at minute 44:24 Enjoy! Listen to/watch:

Scene World #34 – The NTSC & PAL Diskmag has been released!

Nobody is stopping this train! Here we go again, with our great NTSC & PAL #C64 #diskmag Scene World #34! either download the diskmag disk image for use in your emulator, or your real machine – also works in friendly browsers online if you like! —> Download Scene World #34 –> Run online NOW. (VICE.JS is quite a resource…

Gamebook collection

Gamebook Coild of Hate

Have you ever tried gamebooks, AKA Choose Your Own Adventure books? You read a paragraph of text, then you get to choose what the main character should do next, and turn to different pages depending on what you choose. If all goes well, you reach a good ending. More likely, you don’t. A number of gamebooks have been published, most…

Vintage is the New Old Free Retro Magazine!

The premiere issue of Vintage is the New Old Magazine is now available to download on the website. This magazine is an easy to read run-down of articles from the previous month, along with some fun Retro advertising from back in the day. Our little Zine is completely free, scroll down a bit and look to the right of the…

Scene World Podcast episode #174 – I Adore My 64 film

In this episode we are very glad to welcome Jeff Schaap, Producer and Director of – I Adore My 64 – a documentary film of the usership of the Commodore 64 in the US. We talk about his motivation and goal of this documentary, and don’t forget to pledge its crowdfunding campaign to make sure it is to be a…

PunyInform, a new library for writing text adventures for old computers


PunyInform is a library for the Inform 6 programming language, to make it easy to create simple or advanced text adventures which will work well on 8-bit computers like the Commodore 64, Amstrad CPC, Apple II, Spectrum +3 etc. PunyInform was first released on July 5, 2020. The rootsThe Inform programming language, compiler and standard library were developed by Graham…

We are back!

For those of you who were as shocked as this author about the shuttering of the Vintage is the New OId website, you will be happy to know that there are a number of people who came together to keep the site alive into at least the immediate future. We must thank those who had a hand in bringing this…

2023 ViTNO Writer’s Contest – Entry #2 – “Pirating Amiga Stuff in the 90’s”

Author: Supercruiser Date: June 14th, 2023 Category: Non-technical   So to put things into context and the memories all tend to get a little blurred the further things go on, but this is how I recollect the below. I come from a small town in the regional area of South Australia, and my first dial up experience was with a…