Tag: Apple 2 Disk Utility
April 24, 2018
0 Comments on Lost the last Apple II must-have CFFA3000 batch? Now you have another chance!
Posted in Apple II, Apple News, Hardware, News, Retro News
According to the user willwinter on sub-Reddit /r/apple2, the maker of the CFFA3000 board for the Apple II sent out an email letting people know that they have added more units to the batch #5 and also they will allow previous buyers to acquire more than the previous 2 units limit. If you don’t know what is a CFFA3000 (where have you…
March 20, 2018
0 Comments on AppleCommander version 1.4.0 has been released
Posted in Apple II, Apple News, News, Programming, Retro Gaming, Retro News
A new version of AppleCommander, a tool that manipulates Apple ][ disk images, has been released. The new version 1.4.0 brings the following changes: Updates: Migration from SourceForge to GitHub. This updates the boot code to point that out. AppleCommander would hang in an infinite loop if a directory wrapped in on itself. Fixed a filtering issue on Linux and…