Tag: Atari 2600 Emulator
If you just arrived from Mars where you lived for the past 40 years, Stella is a multi-platform Atari 2600 emulator available for Windows, Linux and MacOS. As an open source project, the emulator can be also ported to many other platforms. The new version 6.0 brings dozens of fixes and new features, mostly targeting the use of new underlying…
December 9, 2016
0 Comments on Atari 2600 Emulator created inside Minecraft
Posted in Atari 2600, Atari News, News, Programming, Retro Gaming, Retro News
Seth Bling is already known to build crazy things that runĀ inside Minecraft. This week he surprised everybody once again when he presented a fully working Atari 2600 emulator running inside Minecraft. The emulator is capable of reading and running Atari cartridges, which were also built using Minecraft binary blocks structure (dirt or stones). There are no controllers, and the emulator…