Tag: Big Trouble in Little China

Mevlut Dinc – Interview

The guys over at C64.com have interviewed Mevlut Dinc. Mevlut is a game designer and has coded games on various systems such as the Commodore 64, Spectrum and Amstrad computers. The games he worked on are: Gerry the Germ, Prodigy, Big Trouble in Little China, The Last Ninja 2, Time Machine, First Samurai and the development system for the C64GS….

C64.COM interviews Mevlüt Dinç / MD Software, Vivid Image

The guys over at C64.com have added an interview with Mevlüt Dinç / MD Software, Vivid Image. Mevlüt started dabbling with the Spectrum computer purely for fun. Learning to program, he created a few basic demos from just books and magazines. Within two years he had learnt how to program in machine code. In time he moved onto programming games…