Tag: Blood
Posted in Announcement, Indie Games News, News, PC
Carmageddon: Reincarnation is the driving sensation where pedestrians (and cows) equal points and your opponents are a bunch of crazies in a twisted mix of automotive killing machines. It’s the antidote to racing games!! In 1997, a videogame was released that caused establishment scandal and media hysteria around the world. Banned in some countries, censored in others, and even condemned…
Posted in Homebrew Games News, Indie Games News, News, Sinclair News, ZX Spectrum
Dead Flesh Boy is made with the awesome Arcade Game Designer by Jonathan Cauldwell. The game has a total of 15 levels, some of them are quite tricky but lots of fun. This game is not approved or connected with Team Meat in any way, it’s a fan made demake designed to capture the fluid controls and precise gameplay. Note…