Tag: Last Ninja

Last Ninja: The Legend of the Sade

The Last Ninja became an instant classic for the Commodore 64 back in 1987 with high production values, isometric viewpoint, top-notch music soundtrack and ninja clan theme. However, fans of the game will recall that once Armakuni (temporarily) vanquished the evil shogun, Kunitoki, and collected the sacred scrolls, the game ending kind of fizzled out and was perhaps the most…

Last Ninja Remake Teased for Kickstarter…Again!

In early December 2016, System 3 Software made an announcement that set Last Ninja fans in a fluster when they stated that they will be celebrating Last Ninja’s 30th Anniversary in 2017 by releasing a remake to the Last Ninja series featuring Last Ninja 1,2 and 3. The remakes were to keep the isometric view and feature additional locations and…