Last Ninja: The Legend of the Sade

Ever wonder how Armakuni ever got out of the Palace after he picked up the sacred scrolls at the end of Last Ninja? Well wonder no more with The Legend of Sade, a fan made extension to the original Last Ninja.

The Last Ninja became an instant classic for the Commodore 64 back in 1987 with high production values, isometric viewpoint, top-notch music soundtrack and ninja clan theme.

However, fans of the game will recall that once Armakuni (temporarily) vanquished the evil shogun, Kunitoki, and collected the sacred scrolls, the game ending kind of fizzled out and was perhaps the most disappointing element of the game. What happened next we wondered? Where did Armakuni go afterwards? How did he get back home? Did he catch an Uber or did a magical dragon come to whisk him away.

Well back in 2002, a Last Ninja fan who went by the moniker ‘Spirit of Armakuni’ (SoA), decided that the Last Ninja needed a more definitive conclusion and went to work on developing a Last Ninja Game Editor, which he then used to go on to make The Legend of the Sade, an extension to the original game that tells the story of what Armakuni had to go through to escape to safety.

SoA’s The Legend of the Sade, sees Armakuni standing in the inner sanctum with no apparent way to get out. But have no fear as our man in black proves that he is no one trick pony and locates a secret panel that opens up the wall within the inner sanctum and so our Ninja’s quest to escape the Palace commences.

Despite it being a Windows PC game, The Legend of the Sade plays pretty much exactly like the Last Ninja on the Commodore 64. It has the same play style and feel and fans of the game will quick feel at home with the game.

To further enhance the experience, The Legend of the Sade features some cracking soundtrack music that fits in very well and to my ears sound even better than the original score.

SoA’s Last Ninja Game Editor is Windows PC based and introduces a wide range of enhancements to the Last Ninja assets, including advanced colour palette, advanced ninja animation and control module, improved object handling, improved enemy handling and animations, adjustable weapon strengths, and many more features that will allow any aspiring developer to create their own Last Ninja masterpiece.

SoA worked on The Legend of the Sade and the Last Ninja Game Editor for a number of years before life got in the way in around 2007 and he disappeared from the scene all together. Fortunately, the Last Ninja Archives website has continued to host SoA’s great work and provides us fans with the ability to not only download a copy The Legend of the Sade to play on our Windows machine, but also access to the game engine editor including all the graphic objects and a reference manual that will allow you to create your own Last Ninja 4.

The Legend of the Sade is a wonderful gaming experience that faithfully re-creates and enhances the original game. Last Ninja fanatics, who perhaps were not aware that this game exists, check out the first level game video at the start of this article and then go out and grab a copy of the game to try out.

To SoA, wherever you are, thank you very much for your inspiration 16 years ago to keep the Last Ninja legacy kicking along. Now all we need are some budding game designers to pick up where SoA left off and start creating more fan based extensions to the Last Ninja…just don’t let Mark Cale what you are working on.

Retro gaming journalist promoting NEW C64 and Amiga releases. Contributes to RetroGamerNation YouTube channel, Vintage is the New Old blog site, Reset 64 Magazine, K&A Plus Magazine and various other publications. Youtube: Website: Email:

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