We have received four banner entries so far for the Commodore is Awesome Banner Competition.
Keep ’em coming! :)
- Flink Banner by Prob LemMy
- Ninja Banner by Misfit
- Sensible Software by Gary Dunne
- Great Giana Sisters by wizofwor
Remember, this is your chance to win a C64 SD2IEC!
- 1st prize – C64 SD2IEC, your banner displayed on the website and your website url displayed in the weekly specials widget for 3 weeks.
- 2nd Prize – C64 SD2IEC and your banner displayed on the website and your website url displayed in the weekly specials widget for 2 weeks.
- 3rd Prize – C64 SD2IEC and your website url displayed in the weekly specials widget for 1 week.
You can enter as many times as you like and the competition runs until the 1st June, Midnight GMT, for all details and rules to enter the competition, Click Here, Let’s see your creativity! :)
Enter Competition: http://www.vitno.org/cia/bannercomp/