Volgarr the Viking – Dreamcast Port!

eu02Volgarr the Viking by Crazy Viking Studios
Dreamcast Port by Marc Hall.

You are Volgarr! Do you have what it takes to be the greatest Viking Barbarian Lord in the world? Return to the Golden Age of arcade gaming with all-new hardcore action experience that pulls no punches. Playing as Volgarr the Viking, use your sword and spear to slaughter your foes in bloody combat. Battle Gigantic bosses in every world and find secrets that lead to unknown paths. Holding onto Volgarr’s gear is the key, his very life depends on it!

To play:
Burn Volgarr.cdi to a blank CDR using any disc writing software that supports CDI format. Tested with ImgBurn
Note that some late model Dreamcast consoles do not support CDR games.

volgarr_screen_01volgarr_screen_02victory[youtube 1q6iGmHejgA nolink]

This product is NOT licensed by Sega.
Download: VolgarrDC_Latest.zip
Download: http://volgarr.rkd.zone/download.html
Box Art: 01, 02, 03
Official Website: http://www.volgarrtheviking.com

Enjoy Life, be kind to others.

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