Globus, New ‘Old’ ZX Spectrum Game Finally Released After Many Years!

Globus is a new ‘old’ release by Paco Lafuente. The game was developed between 1986 and 1987 and was unpublished until recently. The game looks a lot like Pac-Man minus the collecting of pills. Instead you have to try and get to the left side of the screen, collect your energy charge and make your way to the right side to discharge without getting caught by the nasty droid ghosts, who, just like Blinky, Pinky, Inky and Clyde, have no mercy and will surely suck the life right out from you, if you end up running into them. Whilst all this is happening you must also defuse bombs too! It’s a nice little game and surprisingly difficult, the ghosts home in on you as soon as the gameplay starts. Certainly worth a play and definitely a game that should of been released back in the day. I use Spectaculator for my emulator of choice, loaded first time, great fun!

Download: Globus+by+Paco+Lafuente.rar
Website:, [eng]

Enjoy Life, be kind to others.

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