Save the Machine Computer Preservation Group collection destroyed by fire

Granit Falls, a city in the state of North Carolina was the center of a massive loss for the retro computing community. A warehouse that was being rented out for storage units and also held some small businesses, was also the home for the “Save the Machine Computer Preservation Group” which was consumed by the flames yesterday – luckily no one was hurt during the fire.The group organizers have reported that a small but very well-kept collection was lost during the fire. Derek N., co-founder of the group, sent a message with a partial list of the machines lost during the fire:

Hi folks, … You are correct that our collection isn’t huge, and we had a small selection of our machines in the facility that were lost. StM was part of Foothills Community Workshop in Granite Falls, NC. The workshop contained a full electronics lab, various server / IT equipment, full woodworking and metal working shops, ham radio station, laser cutters, and a science lab. All this with about 30 regular members. It was a really cool place to go spend a Saturday afternoon.

Off the top of my head, here are a few of the systems lost today:

Macintosh Plus
PET 4032-12
IBM PC (5150)
Heathkit H8
Hewitt Packard HP-85A
Hewitt Packard HP-86b
AS/400 (eSeries)
Power Mac G4 Cube
IMSAI 8080
Sinclair 1000
A couple of DEC servers
Various G3/G4 machines

We don’t know the future of StM or FCW at this time. I can tell you, however, that we’ll maintain our Facebook presence and keep doing our best to save machines.

We just hope that the group can get past this loss and continue its important work to preserve the computer history.

Author: Paulo Garcia

7 thoughts on “Save the Machine Computer Preservation Group collection destroyed by fire

  1. Do you know what started the fire. I want to believe that there are not bad intentions.

    Pmease keep with the good job.


    1. Hi thanks for your comment. I watched a few local news reports and at least yesterday they didn’t know the cause. The warehouse was shared by many storage units and other business, so any of them could be the origin of the fire…

  2. Sad loss of some great technology. Glad to hear no one was hurt.

    By the way, if you’re looking to improve your writing: ‘gladly no one got injured’, would be better written, ‘luckily no one was hurt during the fire’, or ‘thankfully no one was hurt.’

    Glad suggests pleasure, whereas it is more of a relief that no one was hurt. Injury suggests physical damage, (like a cut, tear, or break), but if anyone was injured during a fire it’s typically a burn, so hurt covers both possibilities. Also ‘was’ is better than ‘got’ as you are reporting after the event.

    Hope you don’t take this the wrong way. Keep working at it.

    1. Hi, I really appreciate your suggestions! I don’t mind them and actually like very much when I can learn something new.

    1. Very nice initiative! I will tweet about the group and also join it.

      The photo is before the fire. I am not sure what happened after, to be honest.

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