New Atari 2600 Games to be launched at 2017 Portland Retro Gaming Expo

The Atari 2600 will have three brand new homebrew games being released at the Portland Retro Gaming Expo that will happen next October 20-22.

The games are Super Cobra Arcade, Space Cactus Canyon, and Draconian. Follow the description from the press release:

Super Cobra Arcade is a sequel to the classic arcade game Scramble in which the player must navigate their helicopter across a side-scrolling terrain through eleven unique stages. Each stage has its own challenges and obstacles, including tanks, targets, rockets, guided missiles, falling mines, fuel tanks, flying saucers, and meteors. The player must avoid or destroy these hazards while maintaining the ship’s limited fuel supply. The objective is to reach the end stage, invade the enemy’s base and carry away the booty while trying to earn a high score.

Space Cactus Canyon is set on the year is 2543 and you are the last cactus on earth (!) You live in the scorching deserts of the Rocky Mountains in what used to be Alberta, Canada. The heat is nearly unbearable and wildfires are common. The rest of your fellow cacti have moved to a more temperate climate … on Mars. They have sent a final spaceship to transport you there. Reaching it won’t be easy. Water has become Earth’s most precious resource, and although you are a cactus, you need every drop. You’ll collect the water as you move through the canyons on your way to rendezvous with your rocket. Every so often, you’ll even find a bucket of water, and you’ll be able to rest for the night. But watch out for the humans! The few that remain after World War XII think they need the water even more than you. And they’ll do anything to protect it.

In Draconian, you play a pilot of the Space Fighter Draconian, your mission is to destroy enemy space stations – sector by sector – until they’re all wiped out! Your task won’t be easy – the enemy stations will relentlessly attack you with aggressive missiles and a barrage of defensive fire. Formations of missiles will gang up and hunt you down. But if you take out the lead missile, the others will scatter! If you see one of the enemy’s Spy Ships you need to destroy it immediately! If it escapes, it will report your position, and then…the enemy will throw everything it has at you. The first 30 who purchase Draconian at the show will receive a 3D printed Draconian space station, courtesy of AtariAge member Tarzilla.

Atariage also adds that if you are not able to make it to the Portland Retro Gaming Expo, we’ll be adding these games to the AtariAge Store for everyone in November.

Source: Atariage

Author: Paulo Garcia

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