Allan Turvey’s “Roust” for the ZX Spectrum Released!

A few days ago we gave you the latest heads up on Allan Turvey’s playable demo of ‘Roust’ (ZX Spectrum conversion of the 1982 Arcade game, Joust).
Today, as promised we have some more exciting Retro News! For the pocket money price of only $2.50 (Is it 1982 again?), you can purchase the full version, so head over to and grab it now! ;-)

This is the full version which contains most of the features you would expect including Egg Wave, Survival Wave, Lava Troll and Pterodactyl, and of course gets steadily harder the further you progress. The only feature missing is two player mode, and I fully intend to implement that at a later stage and make it free for anyone who has bought the game. At that point a physical copy on tape should also be available.

As with Terrapins, it will include another game, just as soon as I have finished it, and that will be made available to anyone who buys this one.

Big thanks go to David Saphier for converting the music and implementing the sound effects, as well as helping with some important coding details. Thanks also to Craig Howard once more for his excellent loading screen.

[vsw id=”vTYKoJAWH6w” source=”youtube” width=”425″ height=”344″ autoplay=”no”]

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Enjoy Life, be kind to others.

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