Allen Huffman is graciously sharing ways to speed up programs written for the family of Microsoft BASIC interpreters common on personal computers of the time that interests us, including the various flavors of Color BASIC. These ways all boil down to
Modify your code to work around the limitations the BASIC interpreter inherited from its origins on systems with extremely limited resources.
Unfortunately, those modifications play havoc with code legibility. One can write a program to do some of these modifications to relatively clean code, but when it comes time to debug, you must work with the munged version.
To avoid these issues without a speed penalty but with other advantages as well, consider BASIC09. What’s that? Well, first a little history.
How Color BASIC and other Microsoft BASICs of the era do things
Microsoft started out with a BASIC interpreter for the 8080-based MITS Altair. There was a version that would run with just 4K of RAM, and one for systems with 8K of RAM. Later on, they wrote versions for many other personal computers, probably keeping the same overall structure but customizing to the target’s features and of course rewriting for new target processors. Tight memory constraints demanded algorithms that minimized code and data size, often at the expense of time.
Allen’s series will hint at more of these; the first two, though, have to do with how the lines of BASIC code are stored in RAM. Each source line is converted into a “tokenized” form that has
- a two-byte integer field holding the line number
- a value indicating the length of the tokenized statement
- the text of the line, except that BASIC keywords and built-in function names are replaced with one- (for keywords) or two- (for built-in functions) byte codes
This form lets you implement GOTO and GOSUB, lets you regenerate the original source for LIST (fill a buffer with the line number converted back to printed form, followed by the text of the line with the codes converted back to keywords or function names, and you’re good to go). It also lets you execute the statement, but…
- identifiers aren’t replaced with pointers to the matching symbol table entries, so you get to look up your variables every time you execute the statement
- expressions are left in their original form, so you get to reparse them, looking at the operators and their precedence and the parentheses to figure out what to do and in what order, every time you execute the statement
- as part of that parsing, you have to convert constants from the text format they were entered in to the internal format (a five-byte binary floating point number) every time you execute the statement
That last part is the reason for the times shown in “Make BASIC Fast Again, Part 2“. Every time through those loops the Color BASIC interpreter determines that the digit string “65535” (not in quotes in the source code, of course) still corresponds to the value 65535–honest!
Why the time difference between 65535, &HFFFF, and &O177777? It has to do with how that conversion is done. We’ll ignore signs, decimal places, and exponents for now, and just look at parsing non-negative integers.
The standard method for converting the human-readable form of a number to its internal representation is just Horner’s method of evaluating the polynomial that the human-readable form represents, where the digits are the coefficients and x is the base. For each digit it does one multiplication by the base and an addition of the next digit. Decimal, hex, and octal notations are base ten, sixteen, and eight respectively. There are a couple of alternatives:
- Color BASIC may make a special case of hexadecimal and octal, doing the calculations in unsigned 16-bit integer arithmetic and only converting to floating point at the end. That would make a huge difference. (Hexadecimal, typically using fewer digits than octal, will have a slight advantage.)
- Color BASIC may do the calculations all in binary floating point… but there would still be an advantage, because to multiply by eight or sixteen, which are powers of two, one need only add either 3 or 4 to the exponent. Multiplying by ten is much slower.
Which actually happens? From looking in Extended Color BASIC Unravelled, one of a series of books with commented disassemblies of the various flavors of Color BASIC interpreters, it appears to be the first. You can find PDFs of those books at the TRS-80 Color Computer Archive.
So, to summarize once again: Color BASIC, by virtue of its nature and origins, does an enormous amount of work over… and over… and over. At the expense of legibility, you can reduce the amount of that work… somewhat.
Surely there’s a better way!
Yes, there is, and don’t… never mind. Clearly it involves converting the source code, just once, into a form that is far more easily and efficiently executed, and, for an interactive system, one that can still be listed and edited.
The idea isn’t new; in the personal computer world, I believe the first was UCSD Pascal, released in 1978. It generated a variant of the P-code that a portable Pascal compiler used. P-code is an instruction set for a stack machine, and executing a compiled USCD Pascal program involves an interpreter running the P-code.
Then in 1980, BASIC09 and OS-9/6809 were first released, and in 1983 offered for the Color Computer. The “I-code” that BASIC09 generates and runs (and that, in “packed” form, is run by the RunB I-code interpreter) is also an instruction set for a stack machine. As I-code is generated, constants are converted to their internal form… once. Variable and parameter references are converted to forms that don’t require symbol table lookups. (For a lot more information, check out “The Structure of I-Code” at the TRS-80 CoCo Wiki.)
Show me the numbers!
OK, but first you should know that the best you can do for timing in Color BASIC is the value of TIMER, which increments every sixtieth of a second. In BASIC09, on the other hand, all you have is DATE$, which hands you back the time in MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS format. Indeed, OS-9’s time-related system calls let one set or retrieve local time down to a one-second resolution. There may be a way to set up a tick counter with the F$VIRQ system call, and even better if there’s a way on an emulator to get to a cycle count. In the meantime, though, I’ll just
- do a lot more iterations
- do a little interval arithmetic to show a range in which the correct timing must lie; with the iteration count cranked, we hope to keep the range small
That said, here we go. A listing of our test program:
PROCEDURE test 0000 DIM i:INTEGER; x:REAL 000D 000E PRINT DATE$ 0011 FOR i:=0 TO 32766 0022 x:=65535. 002D NEXT i 0038 PRINT DATE$
To answer some questions you may have…
- What’s a procedure? If you are familiar with C, think of it as a function “returning” void. It can have its own local variables–in fact, BASIC09 doesn’t even have global variables!
- What are those hex numbers down the left hand side? I believe they indicate where the I-code for the statement on that line is relative to the beginning of the procedure.
- What’s with the decimal point in “65535.”? That’s how BASIC09’s prettyprinter shows a floating point constant with an integer value.
- What’s a prettyprinter? It’s the code in BASIC09 that generates listings. What I typed to get this is not what you see here. The prettyprinter capitalized the keywords and built-in function names, took out some spaces that I typed, e.g. around “:=” (BTW, you can use just plain “=” for assignment if you wish), and added the decimal point to the “65535” that I typed. What’s in memory for the procedure is I-code (plus some symbol table information that lets it remember the names of variables–that goes away, along with comments, when you “pack” the code).
- Aren’t you going to do a version with 65535 in hex or octal? Actually, I can’t. There’s no way to specify values in octal in BASIC09, and hex values are exclusively for the INTEGER type, which is a sixteen-bit signed integer, so you can’t represent 65535 as an INTEGER.
- What’s with 32766? Isn’t 32767 the largest signed 16-bit two’s complement binary integer? Yes, it is, but precisely for that reason, if I used it, the loop would never stop… but then, I don’t need to start with 0. Let’s make that start value -32768, shall we?
(About that last change: I bet you’re sharp-eyed enough to notice that the image at the top shows that change, but has -32768. even though that value fits in an INTEGER. I suspect that BASIC09 handles the unary minus separately and correctly notices that positive 32768 needs REAL, but doesn’t reconsider its decision later when negating it. The resulting one-time run time overhead is lost in the noise.)
With that change made, enough talk. Let’s see some results.
Ready B:run 18/01/26 08:39:28 18/01/26 08:39:42 Ready B:run 18/01/26 08:39:46 18/01/26 08:40:00 Ready
So, it would seem to be taking 14 seconds… but what are the most widely separated actual times that would give the same result?
- Maybe the real start time is just barely before 08:39:29 and the end time is exactly 08:39:42. That would be slightly over 13 seconds.
- Maybe the real start time is exactly 08:39:28 and the end time is just barely before 08:39:43. That would be slightly under 15 seconds.
With that start value set to the least integer, the code is doing 65535 iterations, so one iteration is taking somewhere between 13/65535, or almost 0.0002, seconds, and 15/65535, or almost 0.00023, seconds. Call it 230 microseconds.
How does this compare with Color BASIC? The best results shown in Allen’s article are for the hexadecimal version, with the average of four runs of a thousand iterations each taking 207 “ticks” of 1/60th of a second. 207/60000 = 0.00345 seconds, 3450 microseconds, so each iteration in Color BASIC takes between about 15.1 and 17.4 times as long as the corresponding iteration in BASIC09. That said, do consider that
- OS-9 on the CoCo 3 runs at twice the speed that the CoCo 3 comes up in by default in Color BASIC. There’s probably something you can POKE to get BASIC to run at the faster speed, but I don’t know whether Allen did that or not. If not, then BASIC09’s really “only” between 7.5 and 8.7 times faster.
- On the other hand, in any particular program you might not have the good fortune of assigning a value that fits in a 16-bit unsigned integer. Then you must write the value in decimal, in which case, BASIC09 is, at least for Allen’s test code, between 36.8 and 42.4 times faster (or 18.4 to 21.2 if there’s a clock rate difference).
- BASIC09 has the advantage of doing the FOR loop counting in integer arithmetic rather than floating point, which is the only numeric format Color BASIC has. (Strangely, 8K Altair BASIC provides for integer variables with the % “sigil”; I don’t know why Color BASIC doesn’t support it.)
There’s far more to BASIC09 than we’ve discussed here: control structures, data types, parameter passing, and debugging. Best to save those for future posts, though.
“Yes, there is, and don’t… never mind.”
I love seeing these posts on the CoCo, my first computer (CoCo 2, then a 3, tons of peripherals, etc). I remember being in highschool taking a programming class on Cromemco’s where the teacher disabled the goto/gosub commands to force you to write better code. Hah! Fun times!
Wow… the teacher prohibited GOSUB? That’s one of very few control flow constructs in the BASICs of the time that could be considered structured. Not sure why it wasn’t just GOTO.
He James, do you have a real CoCo3? I’ve written articles on the Ahl and Byte benchmarks from the 1980s and would love it if someone could run them on the CoCo3 in Color BASIC and BASIC09. Are you able to do that?>
I think you’ll like the article I just put up.
Maury, I do have a CoCo 3, but it’s not set up at the moment, alas. I need to find where my SCSI Zip drive has gotten off to. OTOH, I have MAME set up to emulate a CoCo, and it does a very respectable job of emulating it at the speed of the real hardware. (I also have a Matchbox CoCo–see the Facebook page for it–one of the FPGA-based CoCo-like devices. It can run something like seven times the clock rate of the CoCo.)
If you want, it would be fairly easy for you to set yourself up with MAME and get the NitrOS-9 “Ease of Use” Beta 4 release.
What format do you have the benchmarks in (they’ll need to be put on disk image files to run on MAME), and have you already done the conversion to BASIC09?
Also, where can I find your articles?
I found a short BASIC program called “Ahl’s short benchnark”; it should be pretty easy to convert to Color BASIC (it uses ** for exponentiation rather than ^) and then to BASIC09.
FYI, I did not use double speed on the COLOR BASIC benchmarks.
It’s outstanding how much faster B09 was. 1983. Just wow.