One day I was browsing the Atariage forum and saw some incredible screenshots of a game being developed for the Atari 2600. After reading through the thread, I learned that the game is Mappy, an arcade game released by Namco in 1983. To be completely honest, although I might have seen the characters around, I didn’t know the game, but I was curious because the 2600 screenshots look way too good to be the truth!

The game is an action-platform where you control Mappy, a police mouse, guiding him through a mansion to recover stolen goods. To get around and reach different floors, Mappy has to use the trampolines while avoiding the Meowkies that will try to prevent you from getting the products back. Some stories have doors that you can open to get through or close to block the Meowkies to get to you. Also, the trampoline will wear off and break if you jump on one too many times in a row.
Before digging into the Atari 2600 version, I decided to play the arcade and the NES version. This way I wouldn’t sound a complete ignorant while writing this post and also would give me a better idea of how “worse” the port would be, considering how limited the 2600 is compared to the arcade or NES hardware. After playing the “better” versions for a few minutes, I was completely hooked with the gameplay
John “johnnywc” Champeau has announced, back in December 2017 that he started working on a port of Mappy for the 2600. At that time, he mentioned that the project was on the back of his head for ten years and he finally decided to make it. Now, at the end of February, he got 80% of the game ready, to a point where you can play a WIP (work in progress) version. There is still no sound, and it needs other adjustments before prime time.
I’ve played the WIP version posted on AA and I was impressed with what I see so far. The “worse” version term really doesn’t apply here. It is actually hard to believe that game runs on the 1976 machine like it does!
Because I love retro games, but more than that, I love to know how they are made, I talked to John Champeau to find out more.
ViTNO: After seeing Mappy screenshots on AtariAge, I was impressed with the graphics and the progress you have made so far. Are you responsible for the code and the graphics? When did you start working on it?
John: Thank you! I started Mappy a few months ago after completing Super Cobra Arcade, and it has come along fairly quickly and much better than I anticipated. The amazing graphics were done by Nathan Strum (he’s done the graphics for all my games, starting with Lady Bug back in 2006).
VitNO: Before digging into Mappy details, let me know more about your background and your work creating 2600 games. What is your first game?
John: My first game was a port of the 8-bit Caverns of Mars. I was commisioned by Legacy Engineering (who designed the Atari Flashback 2) to develop a more faithful version for the 2600 compared to the version that was released on the FB2. This was supposed to be released on an updated Flashback 2; unfortunately, it was never released. However, I did release the game, retitled as Conquest of Mars, in 2006.

ViTNO: What came next?
John: In January of 2006, I started working on Lady Bug. It was the first game that Nathan did the graphics for. Bob Decrecenzo (PacManPlus on AA) did the sounds and music.
After Lady Bug was complete, I started a few games but never completed them:
- Rip Off – Cool two player game which I may complete someday.
- Wizard of Wor Arcade – Coincidentally, this will be my *next* game after Mappy.
- Avalanche – This game is actually ‘complete’ but has never been released. I have talked to Al @ AA about releasing this someday; if we do, I will revisit it to add a few more options, difficulty ramping, etc. but still keep it at 4K.
[vsw id=”RmzmKFm0SPY” source=”youtube” width=”425″ height=”344″ autoplay=”no”]
ViTNO: Why Atari 2600? :)
John: This was the first video game system that I had, and I had always wanted to make games for it. In 1982, a friend and I even went as far as to design a game (Mountain Raider) and send our proposal to Atari. Unfortunately, the idea was rejected, but I do plan on making the game someday! 😊
ViTNO: Now a bit more about Mappy… Why Mappy? I read you were thinking about the port for over ten years, is that so?
John: I never actually played Mappy ‘back in the day’; my first exposure to it was on the PlayStation on the Namco Museum series, and I really enjoyed it! Yes, about ten years ago I started a thread mentioning I was thinking of developing Mappy to get some ideas on how it could be done. I decided to try it again in 2017 because of the challenge and to take a break from making side-scrollers (Scramble & Super Cobra).
ViTNO: On that subject, do you have a preference for porting games instead of original ones? What are your thoughts about it?
John: As I mentioned above, I do have an original idea (Mountain Raider), and over the years I’ve ‘designed’ other games but have never been able to complete them. I think I prefer porting games because (a) they have a finite goal and (b) it’s creative and challenging trying to implement an idea that was originally designed on much more powerful hardware and get it to work and be enjoyable on the 2600.
ViTNO: What are you writing the game with? Batari Basic (which kernel), or 6502 straight up?
John: Any games before 2016 were written in 6502 assembler only. After that, I’ve been using DPC+ (or CDF, which is an enhanced version of DPC+). DPC+ is an extension of the original DPC chip that was developed by Activision and included in the Pitfall 2 game released in 1982. It basically allows you to update graphics faster and much easier, and also includes more ROM, RAM and better sound. The DPC is actually implemented using a 70mhz ARM processor, so in addition to its features, it also allows you to write game logic in C which is then executed by the ARM. All interaction with the TIA still needs to be done in 6502 assembler.
ViTNO: Tell me more about your development environment? Tools, etc?
John: My development environment is Textpad running on Windows 10. I use external tools linked to hotkeys in Textpad (DASM, a C compiler, and Stella) to compile, debug and test. I own a Harmony cart and also test on real hardware (a modded 2600 hooked up to a Commodore 1701 CRT) and a 7800 as well.
ViTNO: As of today (Feb 25th), what is the state of Mappy development
John: I would estimate the game at being about 80% done. Mike Haas and I have been working hard on porting over the soundtrack in DPC, and we still need to work on the sound fx (which will be done using the TIA). I’m sure there are also numerous bugs in the game that need to be resolved and additional features that need to be completed (i.e. Mappy’s death animation, additional balloon layouts on the bonus round, difficulty ramping, saving scores to the Savekey/Atarivox). Right now we have a bit of a space issue in that I don’t have enough ROM to store all of the music (we’re about 3K short). We are currently working on some compression schemes and optimizations, so hopefully, we’ll be able to squeeze everything in.
[vsw id=”UhB0BQ8wV4E” source=”youtube” width=”425″ height=”344″ autoplay=”no”]
(Mappy “2600” gameplay video by Vintage is The New Old)
ViTNO: Are you releasing it as cartridges at some point?
John: Yes, the hope is to release it this summer, but right now it depends on when the music and sound fx can be completed, and it also depends on the packaging (manual, label, box). The music and sound fx are being worked on by Mike Haas (AA member ‘ieposta’), and Nathan will most likely do the manual, label and box. I hope to have Wizard of Wor Arcade released at PRGE (Portland, Oregon Gaming Expo) in October, but that may depend on a new cartridge format being designed to store all of the voice samples plus the high scores (since WoW is predominantly a 2-player game, the Atarivox/Savekey is not a good solution for high scores or voice since it takes up one of the joystick ports).
Source: AtariAge Thread
Links: Mappy PAL and NTSC (development build, no sound)