Retro Revisited: Cannon Fodder (Amiga)

1993 proved to be a killer year for the Amiga, seeing some of the best titles for the platform released that very year by some best and brightest studios in the business. The Bitmap Brothers would release The Chaos Engine, one of my favourite shooters of all time, and Sensible Software were hot on their heels with one of their best-loved and most iconic titles, Cannon Fodder.

The game generated something of a stir when it hit the shelves, thanks to a proposal to use an image of a poppy on the game’s cover art, a decision that would invoke the ire of the Royal British Legion (UK-based charity to support war veterans and members of the armed services).

In a relatively public spat (touched on here) stoked even further when Amiga Power magazine decided to run a cover that used the same poppy symbol as part of it’s coverage for the game, the RBL denounced the game, accusing it of poor taste and issuing what would amount to a cease and desist to remove the poppy. Both Amiga Power and Virgin removed the symbol from their respective covers, although the poppy still makes an appearance during the game’s intro sequence and title screen.

Despite this minor furore, the game would reportedly sell somewhere in the region of 100,000 copies on the Amiga alone and would become one of the best-loved Amiga games of all time.

Before we get to the actual game, however, we should take a moment to remember what is possibly one of the greatest Amiga introduction sequences of all time. Featuring an original piece of music composed by Jon Hare and the late Richard Joseph, the sequence shows various still images of the various members of Sensible Software who worked on the game. As the music plays, the lyrics remind us that ‘war has never been so much fun‘, but do these words still hold true, or simply ring hollow?

Before diving too deeply into the review, I feel that it’s worth giving a special mention to the game’s presentation and artwork, created by Stoo Cambridge. In an interview with Eurogamer, Cambridge recalls the technical complexities and artistic nightmare of trying to design artwork that both looked good and remained functional, all whilst remaining within the restrictions imposed by the Amiga’s display modes, limiting on-screen colours to a maximum of 16. Somehow, the team managed to produce a game that, to this day, looks impressively crisp and vibrant, possessing an art style that would become synonymous with Sensible Software’s games.

The poppy proved controversial

Envisioned as a top-down strategy/action game, the player controls a squad of soldiers through a series of increasingly gruelling missions, set across a number of different theatres. Each mission is divided into phases, each with a set of objectives that must be completed in order to progress to the next. Whilst many of these involve killing everything and everyone in sight, things do get more involved as the game progresses, requiring the player to rescue hostages, prevent civilian casualties and even avoid killing any enemies whatsoever!

I must admit that, prior to this review, I hadn’t really played the game to any great length, so had no real appreciation for some of the  game’s intricacies, nor just how punishingly difficult it can be. To say that the game has a difficulty curve would be disingenuous, being more akin to a vertical line that rises from the ground and disappears somewhere into the stratosphere.

Controlled predominantly with the mouse, moving your unit of soldiers around the battlefield is quite simple. Moving the on-screen cursor and left-clicking initiates a command to move your troops to the cursor’s location, whilst pressing the right button unleashes a volley of bullets from their machine guns in the same direction. In what is perhaps one of the game’s standout features, enemy troops caught in the stream of hot lead will die in horrible, screaming agony, rag-dolling around the screen for as long as bullets continue to hit their corpse. If that weren’t gruesome enough, you’ll always remember the first time when a trooper that you shot isn’t actually killed outright, instead left to bleed out on the ground in groaning, mortal agony – the question is, are you the kind of player that ends the wretch’s suffering by putting another bullet into him, do you wander off and leave him to his inevitable fate, or do you simply stand over the dying man, gloating at his misfortune? I suspect the truth of the matter is you’ve probably done all of them!

Mission 1: If only it were always this easy

In addition to their rifles, your troops are also equipped with a limited supply of grenades and rockets, both of which can be fired by holding down right then left buttons simultaneously. Whilst these weapons can be used to clear out enemy infantry, they’re far better suited to taking out vehicles, structures and general fortifications. It’s also worth pointing out that the subsequent explosion from these munitions will prove as deadly to your own men as to the enemy, so make sure there’s plenty of distance between your soldiers and whatever it is they’re shooting at!

Certain missions also include vehicles that you can commandeer to ferry your troops around the mission map. These include jeeps, skidoos, attack choppers and even tanks – not all of these will be armed, but you’ll find it most satisfying when you locate one bristling with rockets or a machine-gun! There are also stationary gun emplacements that your men can occupy, although these are vulnerable to enemy grenades and bazooka rounds – it’s a really easy way to lose all your troops in a single, poorly-considered moment.

One of the game’s key features is the squad system, something you’ll need to get to grips with very quickly if you want to have any hope of completing the game. Early missions are little more than a sandbox within which to learn the basics and it’s quite possible to win by keeping your squad as a single unit, obliterating anything that moves. Later missions become a different matter entirely, either featuring phases that require your troops to capture and hold multiple objectives (e.g. stand on pressure plates to activate vehicles), or are so perilous that it’s simply safer to split them up, rather than keep them bunched up.

For dealing with such occasions, the player is able to divide the platoon into individual squads (up to 3 in total), each comprising one or more soldiers. Each squad can be commanded individually in just the same way as you would the whole platoon, enabling the player to travel to different parts of the map, providing covering fire and holding objectives whilst your attention is otherwise diverted. Any munitions held by the group will be divvied up when the group splits, providing a supply of grenades and rockets to both units (as long as there’s enough to go around) – considering these weapons are often vital to the success of a mission, it becomes a perfectly valid tactic to split the squad and hold troops back simply to make sure you retain some ammunition in the event that the main group should snuff it.

The game features a basic AI controller that will have any inactive squad hunker down and return fire against nearby troops, but this is far from infallible. Unattended units will return fire against encroaching hostiles, although they’re incapable of firing for prolonged periods. Chances of survival increase with each additional soldier in the unit, but that’s still not a guarantee of survival, particularly in later missions where it’s not uncommon to be assaulted by besieged by enemies from all sides. There were plenty of times where I’d be tearing my hair out in frustration as I’d witness another soldier’s nameplate vanish from a squad window, or left crying to my keyboard at their ineptitude as they managed to commit mass suicide by firing a bazooka round at something right in front of them – trust me, it’s a really bad idea to leave these guys unattended for any length of time!

Not the best recruitment campaign

Soldiers that make it through to the mission’s end will be rewarded with a promotion and a small increase to their weapon’s maximum range. Those who fall in battle will be similarly commemorated by the appearance of a tiny grave marker on the hill behind the stream of raw recruits waiting at boot camp, acting as a stark reminder as to just how brutal and futile war can be. By the end of the game, the hill is almost guaranteed to contain more headstones than there will be remaining grass.

Whether it was simply a by-product of the design or a deliberate choice, the fact that each of the troops has his or her own name and rank means that you cannot help but grow attached to the minute collection of pixels that represent your squad. The more times your stalwart heroes make it through a mission and survive the rigours of combat by the skin of their teeth, the more stories they have to tell: they have a history!

It’s this unspoken camaraderie that it makes it only more painful when the inevitable, painful end finally comes – just like The Walking Dead, nobody is safe and everybody dies, eventually. Death in Cannon Fodder is often swift, usually unseen and always, always brutal. I lost count of how many times I’d be commanding my troops, thinking I had everything under control, only for all hell to break loose, the resultant carnage smearing the corpses of my valiant squaddies across the map. I would often be left sitting there, aghast, staring at the screen in wide-eyed astonishment at what had just transpired.

The reasons for death are as numerous as they are swift, but the principle reason why your men died is simple: you screwed up. Whether you walked them into the line of fire, got caught in the blast of your own grenade, or simply wandered into a pit of quicksand, the fact remains that these deaths are almost always an error on the part of the player.

I say almost, however, for there becomes an increasing trend throughout the game – especially in the latter stages – where Sensible appear to have designed phases (even entire missions) to deliberately troll the player, although no-one would have known what “trolling” was back in 1993!

Revenge is a dish best served from inside a tank!

One of the earliest examples where you’ll encounter this is phase 5 of mission 10, appropriately subtitled, “A Good Hard Tank“. Your squad spawns immediately next to an enemy gun emplacement, which proceeds to launch rockets at their position from the moment the phase begins, leaving nothing left squad except a smoking crater. What annoyed me the most about all this wasn’t so much the fact that I lost my entire squad, but because the control to avoid the situation was taken out of my hands. I simply had to keep on retrying the mission, just hoping that the turret wouldn’t fire at the precise moment that the mission loaded.

Also, there will be occasions where the game’s inner workings don’t yield quite the results that you’d expect. One example that I encountered later in the game was a problem with walls in the underground levels, specifically their perceived height. Cast your eye at the following screenshot and you would assume that the height is considerably greater than the height of your men. Much to my surprise, I found that enemy troops could fire right through the damned things with their rifles, hitting my troopers on the other side and killing them – the same rule applies to your own men, of course, but the fact is that the perspective tells you that you shouldn’t be able to fire through/over them.

Aside from the heartache caused by the loss of your favourite troops, the passing of such veteran heroes has a more tangible impact than merely tugging on one’s heart strings. The vacancies left as a result of your troopers untimely departure will force you to draft in fresh meat from the ranks of rookie recruits back at boot camp. Remember, increased rank results in improved firepower, so none of these wet-behind-the-ears rookies will be able to shoot quite as far as your outgoing veterans could. Whilst perhaps not enough to make or break your chances of completing a mission successfully, the loss of your best troops only serves to make things that little bit harder for you in the long run, so you’ll want to keep them alive as long as possible.

What began as fun and engaging experience, gradually descended into something else altogether, leaving a pervading sense of frustration and discontentment, almost reaching the point where I wanted to turn the game off and hurl it out of the window.

Yet, for some reason, I didn’t. Instead, I gritted my teeth and forged ahead, determined that there was no way that I was going to let the damned thing beat me. Each and every victory would result in varying degrees of celebration, rising from a snort of satisfaction to thrusting both hands high into the air in relief (there may have been a few tears towards the end as well). When the game’s ending sequence finally appears, you’ll know that you managed to achieve the impossible and that Sensible had nothing left with which to beat you (not until Cannon Fodder 2 at any rate).

The graphics are still excellent

It might have been one of the hardest-won victories in gaming that I’ve certainly ever experienced, but the sense of satisfaction that came from finally beating the damned thing was palpable. This was a game that, through all the sweat and tears – and there was plenty – it constantly forced me to re-evaluate tactics, come up with alternative strategies and to continually improve as a player until I reached the point where I could beat each and every one of the levels, even those that were deliberately unfair.

I suppose, on reflection, it’s this final point that resonated the most with me, the fact that I wanted to be a better player. Even through all the pain, the fact remains that the game is brilliantly conceived, and could have been even better if only Sensible hadn’t been quite so Machiavellian in some of their their level designs.

Cannon Fodder might be as tough as your soldier’s boot leather, but it’s still a game that holds up, provided you have the determination to stick with it. For those with the staying power, you’ll likely continue to enjoy the spoils of war that this classic Amiga title has to offer.

Author: Alec
PC gamer, C64 fan, Amiga advocate, creator of longplay retrogaming videos on YouTube, occasional wordsmith - follow me on Twitter

4 thoughts on “Retro Revisited: Cannon Fodder (Amiga)

    1. We don’t provide download for (even old) commercial games, but if you Google something like “cannon fodder amiga download” you will probably find many sources for it. I hope that helps.

    2. That’s it do me out of some royalties! ;)

      Just kiddin’ – Amiga is the best version, I don’t rate the PC version much but that does seem to be an easier one to find.
      It runs really well under WinUAE, and with the save states and snapshots certainly makes playing the later levels a bit more easier – though not that easy! :)
      If you don’t mind a joy pad the MegaDrive isn’t a bad port either.

      Great article BTW, thanks for covering the game, it’s nice it’s so fondly remembered – and still played!

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