Fans of the great racer, Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge, can look forward to a homage of the game with the upcoming Commodore 64 project, El Loco Challenge.
Jammerc64 is in the process of coding El Loco Challenge as part of the Forum64 & Protovision Game Competition 2017.
Posting his early work on, Jammerc64 stated “Game in general aims at recreating Lotus feeling and mechanics on C64 and includes some quite bold features”. Jammerc64 also revealed that “Each race consists of 5 drivers who rival for the best rank. There’s no planned race against time with checkpoints (at least not for the compo).”
The C64 gaming scene has been lacking a good arcade racer in recent years and El Loco Challenge looks like it could fill this gap very nicely if this project can get to a state of completion.
El Loco Challenge is set to feature the following:
- Split screen with camera work, curves, AI, core game physics and controls updated in 50fps;
- Simultaneous 2 channel music and sampled engine sounds for both players, mixed together in 4khz quality;
- 3 difficulty levels + each AI driver differs in skill;
- 6 speed manual gearbox
Jammerc64 hopes to be able to include many other features in due course. Take a look at this blog post for further details and to keep up to date with this great project.