Amstrad, Sega & classic console tunes with DJ Slope | RID Podcast #3

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Andrew (BackOfficeShow) and I (RetroManCave) host another guest to share their life in retro through video game music before we cast them away on Retro Island.  Today it’s Daniel Ibbertson AKA DJ Slope from the popular YouTube channel Slopes Game Room.

Daniel takes us through his formative years, DJ’ing, his arcade arch nemesis Dave and the challenges of being a retro You Tuber, while sharing some classic tunes with us.

You can enjoy Daniels episode here:

And more episodes of our growing podcast can be found here:

Neil – RMC

Author: RetroManCave
Nostalgianaught, collector and tinkerer of all technologies that passed by too quickly and deserve a second look. When I'm not writing for VITNR you can find me on YouTube or twitter as RetroManCave.

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