If you are an Apple ][ fan, or even if you think Atari or Commodore are better, you probably know about Kansasfest, a multiday encounter that happens every year in Kansas City, Missouri.
The length of the conference is at the same time a blessing for those who are able to attend and a curse for those who cannot afford to spend almost a full week in a University dorm talking, breathing and eating Apple II.
Thanks to the blessed ones that were at this year’s Kansasfest, us, the cursed ones, are able to watch almost 24 hours of video content about retro computers.
All the 30 videos, recorded by different people attending the conference, are available in single place on YouTube for our enjoyment.
Link: KansasFest 2018 playlist
It was a great year at KansasFest! Lots of great sessions which are part of the videos available.