NES game ‘Alfonzo’s Arctic Adventure’ Kickstarter campaign is on and surpasses its goal in less than 2 days

With a demo released back in April, the NES game Alfonzo’s Arctic Adventure started its Kickstarter campaign less than a week ago and already reached and exceeded its goal.

Since the Eskimo Bob sequel is already done and playable, the campaign aims to fund the production of the cartridges and the companion swag (boxes, manuals, etc.).

Tomas Guinan is already a seasoned NES developer, with the successful Eskimo Bob on his record, and the fact that ‘Alfonzo’s’ is already funded make it another well-sold homebrew game.

Alfonzo’s Arctic Adventure is packed with tons of new features and content!

  • Four different playable characters
  • Over 90 levels split into 6 episodes
  • More than 30 types of enemies to encounter
  • Seven unique boss battles
  • Unlockable boss rush mode
  • World map for level selection
  • Secret exits and branching paths
  • Password function to save progress
  • Two-player melee mode
  • And so much more…

The game supports, as expected, the original NES consoles as well as any emulator that supports mapper 11, including MesenFCEUXNestopia, and most other modern NES emulators.

For more information, head over the game Kickstarter page following the link below.

Link: Kickstarter

Author: Paulo Garcia

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