Unsurprisingly, the retro community is always presented with Halloween-themed games on October 31st.
The one we picked to highlight here is Unhallowed, a traditional text adventure game that runs on any ZX Spectrum with 128K. (Blerkotron, the developer, was also kind enough to provide a special version that runs directly on any modern browser).

The game page sets the mood: “It’s Halloween and you’re on your way home from work, tired and hungry and wanting nothing more than to put your feet up in front of the TV. But something dark and evil lurks within your home, waiting for you to return…”
Unhallowed is a classic text-adventure game with a few twists to make it more palatable for modern players.
You can download both versions for free following the link below. Also, if you are interested in how things are done, the developer wrote a blog post about his process here.
Link: Itch.io