CPCRetroDev 2019 – Amstrad CPC 464 Game Competition gets 35 contestants

With the end of the submission phase on October 30th, the CPCRetroDev 2019 organizers and judges will start to work hard to find, among the 35 games submitted, the winners for each of the categories. The announcement of the winners is planned for Friday, November 8th, 2019.

For the General category, the jury members will analyze the following criteria:

  • Fun, engagement and playability
  • Artificial Intelligence and Technical Quality
  • Music and sound effects
  • Graphical and artistic quality

If you want to take a pick on all participants, the organizers have published a video playlist with a trailer for each of the games.

CPC RetroDev is an annual event organized by the University of Alicante in Spain, giving prizes for the brave people still developing for the Amstrad CPC 464, including the University students, which is a great initiative to present a bit of game development history for the young generations.

Author: Paulo Garcia

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