12th Kaz Compo announces the best Atari games released in 2019

Kaz Compo is a traditional celebration for the Atari homebrew developers promoted by Atarionline.pl where the best games of the year are chosen by popular vote. The results for the 12th edition have come out.

The best game of 2019 according to the voters is The Rescue Expedition. Created by Kamil “Gorgh” Trzaska, Michał “Caruso” Brzezicki, and Krzysztof “Kaz” Ziembik the gorgeous game was the favourite scoring nothing less than 530 points!

The Rescue Expedition – 2019 Winner

The runner-up is Gravity Worms by Krzysztof “xxl” Dudek, Kamil “Vidol” Walaszek, Jakub “Aceman” Szeląg, with 420 points.

Gravity Worms

This year, two games tied in third place. Castle Defender and Wasteland had just one single point separating them. Due to this never-seen difference, the organizers decided to give the bronze medal for both games, which seems to be more than fair, considering how good they are!

The most impressive outcome of this contest, in my opinion, is the number of entries – 79, proving that the Atari homebrew scene is alive and kicking hard!

You can see the full list of games and their scores following the link below:

Link: Atariage Thread
Source: Atarionline.pl (Polish – but Google Translate is your friend)

Author: Paulo Garcia

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