Retro Revisited: Raptor: Call of the Shadows (PC)

In this edition of Retro Revisited we break out the Gravis game pad and dust off the Sidewinder, as we journey back to 1994. This was an era that saw the arrival of the Intel Pentium processor, the proliferation of CD-ROM, and marked the the beginning of the golden age of PC gaming. Continual, not to mention rapid, improvements in processor speeds and general affordability of memory meant the beige office box was quickly shedding its reputation as a boring old number cruncher, and was quickly becoming a serious player in the mid 90s gaming arena. id Software had wowed the world with Doom and its demon-blasting and pseudo-3D visuals in 1993, and ever-increasing performance and compatibility of hardware meant the popularity of PC gaming was booming.

Prior to this period, the PC wasn’t generally considered to be platform reknowned for its shoot ’em ups; sure, they existed, but they could often be amateurish affairs, hobbled by archaic hardware, or through a general lack of polish. Faster and more capable systems, the advent of the DOS Extender, and a general rise in the interest in the PC gaming arena resulted in the development of increasingly impressive titles, often including genres not hitherto considered to be “at home” on the system.

Making its debut in April 1994, Raptor: Call of the Shadows would show the console upstarts that fast-paced shoot ’em ups were equally at home on the PC as any other platform. Its detailed visuals and frenetic gameplay earned it a reputation as one of the best shmup experiences on PC, a game that offered owners a genuine arcade experience in the comfort of their home office. The game was developed by Cygnus Studios and published by Apogee as a Shareware title, with the first chapter – Bravo Sector – given away completely free. If players enjoyed the game they could then pony up the cash for a full retail copy, unlocking the remainder of the game; the Shareware edition was often included on the cover-mounted floppies and CDs of gaming magazines, which is how I first came to experience the game.

Players assume the role of a hot-shot mercenary pilot, owner of the titular Raptor attack craft, paid huge sums of cash to carry out dangerous missions by MegaCorp. For the right price, any adversary of this interplanetary conglomerate can be silenced, and you’re the one with the skills to make it happen. Each of the game’s three chapters consists of nine gruelling missions of non-stop shooting action, blasting ememies to earn cash, then using the loot to purchase weapons and upgrades for the next dangerous sortie.

As with any good shmup, there are plenty of destructive toys with which to blow stuff up. Your craft can be equipped with a plethora of weapons and other equipment, which come in the form of ‘active’ and ‘selectable’ varieties. Active weapons are permanently enabled and stack with each other, whereas only one ‘selectable’ can be active at any given time. These ‘selectables’ typically offer more tactical variety – tracking enemies, disabling weapons – yet their usefulness depends on the situation. Air-to-ground missiles pack a serious punch against buildings and turrets, but have absolutely no impact against aircraft, while the auto-tracking laser turret is great for airborne foes, but can’t hit ground-based enemies; you can cycle weapons mid-combat, although having multiple weapons means there’s a chance you might miss the one you wanted.

Of course, your foes aren’t about to roll over and let you blow them out of the skies without a fight – you’ll be facing squadrons of heavily armed fighters, bombers and flying fortresses, all bristling with photon cannons and rocket pods. The Raptor comes equipped with a barrier shield to protect you from incoming projectiles, but, take heed, you’re not invincible, and failure to employ some fancy flying will result in your smoking fuselage making a unsightly mess of the planet’s surface. Shield boosters can be acquired mid-mission by breaking open ground-based metal capsules that adorn the battlefield, but these are few and far between, so you musn’t become overeliant on them. You’ll also encounter the occasional transport vessel, ferrying valuable items, smart bombs, or pieces of equipment, so be sure to grab these as soon as they appear – you’ll need all the help you can get.

Survive to the end of the level and you’ll return to the safety of your secret hangar bay. It’s here that you can buy and sell equipment from the friendly merchant, and save your game’s progress. It’s a good idea to do this before committing cash to any upgrades, because Raptor has a more prescriptive difficulty curve than you might think; there’s a notable step-change in difficulty every few levels, and weapons that gave you the edge only a few missions ago will soon feel outdated and underpowered. The last thing you want to do is saddle yourself with a heap of junk unable to cut it in the heat of battle, and Raptor is a game about choosing the right load-out as it is fancy moves.

If you manage to make it as far as the Outer Regions you better make damned sure you’re prepared, both mentally, and in terms of craft loadout. Even the lowliest of attack drones is packing some seriously offensive capability, most of which now come with missile launchers or a beam weapon as standard. Come to these fights armed with anything less than the twin laser and a full compliment of phase shields, and you’ll be toast in a matter of seconds.

It’s also during these nine final stages that tactical dogfighting and careful maneuvering go out the window, making way for brute force and blind panic; the screen will be so full of enemy craft, bullets and explosions, that getting hit is invevitable. The key to survival hinges on shooting enough bad guys and earning enough creds to restock on shields at the merchant.

Despite being just over a quarter of a century old, the game’s visuals still hold really well; 2D pixel artwork stands the test of time far better than 3D, and Raptor looks a real treat; there’s a genuine gritiness and texture to the landscapes, and the incidental animations – water, pedestrians etc. – in the background layer are a nice touch. Explosions, ever an important part of such games, are suitably ferocious, bursting forth from the husks of destroyed enemies and filling the screen in conflagrations of napalm and shattered steel. The fireworks mean it’s easy to overlook some of the finer detail, such as the way enemy ships cast shadows on the ground, with a parallax effect used to convey a convincing sense of perspective – it’s all remarkably impressive for a 1994 Shareware title.

Another of game’s standout features is support for the Gravis UltraSound, considered one of the best – and most expensive – soundcards of the time. The onboard wavetable synthesis used real digital instrument samples, making MIDI music and games sound far more realistic than the more basic Adlib and Soundblaster cards of the time; I know lot of DOS gamers are fond of the OPL FM sound, but there’s no getting away from the fact that games that supported the GUS, Roland MT-32, or AWE32, sounded so much better when played with these devices.

It’s perhaps premature to celebrate the game with a fly-by and victory loop just yet. There are a collection of niggles and issues that we should take time to address, some thing that result in Raptor being a tiring and exaperating experience.

While some of the guns you can purchase are high effective means of destroying opponents, not all of them are worth the amount of credits they cost. Dumb fire missiles offer no practical advantage over the standard air-to-air weapons, and anything without tracking ability will severely hamper your chances of success in the mid-game. Likewise, megabombs – a destructive smart-bomb – doesn’t detonate when used, instead flying to the centre of the screen before exploding, this delay somewhat reducing its usefulness.

Perhaps because Cygnus wanted to keep the barrier of entry as low as possible, or possibly simply out of choice, the game operates at an internal refresh rate considerably lower than the VGA 70 hz standard, regardless of how powerful your PC is. This, in my opinion, is a shame – it would have benefited hugely from a 60 hz refresh rate, not just because it would have looked bad-ass, but because it would have helped with spotting and reacting to encroaching enemies.

Rather than the visual aspect, my chief complaint regarding the lack of a faster screen update is of the game is the sluggishness of the screen refresh, which is exacerbated by the inertia governing movement of the player’s craft. This attempt to lend the craft a sense of weight has the undesirable side-effect of introducing a perceptible lag when moving left and right, taking a second or so to reach full speed. For a game that places such demands on quick movement and pixel-perfect positioning, this inertia makes it difficult to avoid hostile fire, and I found myself hugging the sides of the screen at times, simply waiting for the onslaught of enemies to pass me by.

Raptor can, then, be an excercise in frustration, a somewhat turbulent experience, to use a rather cliched aviation metaphor. But do these faults mean it’s in a perpetual tail-spin, destined to crash and burn under the critical gaze of this retrogaming reviewer?

Ultimately, I believe that, despite its flaws, the game is still a genuinely engaging shoot ’em up experience. This is something that Mountain King Studios – the new name for Cygnus- clearly believes as well, with the game receiving a conversion to iOS devices in 2010, and two separate re-releases for PC in 2010 and 2015. The re-releases include higher display resolutions, plus some visual improvements and tweaks, but without changing the gameplay to any significant degree.

Whether you’re playing the 1994 original, or the 2015 remaster, Raptor: Call of the Shadows remains an intense experience, packed with action and explosions, a game not for the faint of heart, but one that rewards practice, persistence, and perseverance. If you think you’re up to the task, you should definitely strap yourself into the cockpit and take it for a spin one more time – recommended.

Author: Alec
PC gamer, C64 fan, Amiga advocate, creator of longplay retrogaming videos on YouTube, occasional wordsmith - follow me on Twitter

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