Restoring CBM 710: No CPU, No Problem – RetroChallenge 2018/04 – Update #6

A reminder to the hoards of fans who have been following along with bated breath each day for updates on this project: my goal for this, my first  RetroChallenge, is to get a CBM 710 into working state. My super ambitious goal would be to also write an assembly language program and get it running on the CBM 710. My bigger-picture goal is to learn more about the CBM II line of machines from Commodore, and introduce more folks to them. So for each update, I have tried to bring in a little history, and a little technical data on the CBM II series, before going into what I’ve been working on for my CBM 710.

The downside of this formula is that just researching and writing the articles takes a lot more time than I imagined. One point to Captain Obvious, I know.

Never give up, never surrender!

I have not given up! I am just redeploying my troops to a different front several hundred miles behind the last one. In all seriousness, there are only about 9 days left, and I haven’t even finished describing where I got to in the first week of activity. Also, I’ve had a bit of a setback, time wise, on the hardware restoration effort. On the plus side, I’m making a lot of progress on my CBM II series game. Which is amazing, considering I’m basically learning Assembly as I go through it.

New Strategy: Less History, More Blathering

(Or is that “fewer history”? Why can’t this computer write what I mean, not what I know how to write?)

Starting with the next update, I’m going to skip the history and information, and just discuss what I’m working on. But for today, I want to finish out describing the highlighted points on the motherboard, because the last one is a big one.

Introducing the Stealth 6509 CPU

Let’s look back the motherboard picture I first introduced in Update #2:

We have now covered items 2 through 5. It’s time to talk about item #1. This is the where the single most important distinguishing feature of this computer lives. This is the MOS 6509 CPU. Or rather, where it would be, if this computer had come with one. So my challenge all along here has been to acquire a 6509 from eBay, or from another B-series computer (hopefully from a dead one), or from some kind of insane moonshot project. Before getting into my strategy there, I want to quickly run down the 6509.

The 6509, as sold in the B-series, ran at 2 MHz, about twice as fast as a C-64, and the same speed as a C-128 running in “FAST” mode. The P-500 machine also used a 6509, but that CPU was set to run at 1 MHz, to maintain compatibility with the VIC-II chip that provided video for the P-500.

The main “killer feature” of the 6509, compared to the 6502 that powered the Apple ][ and Atari 400/800, and the 6510 that powered the C-64, was the ability to address up to 1 MB of memory.

One Megabyte of Memory, On an 8 Bit Computer?

The 6509 was an 8-bit CPU, like its siblings. Eight bit CPUs only have two bytes (two 8-bit bytes) worth of addressing available to them. That means they can only “see” 64K worth of memory. Each of the two bytes has 256 possible values, and they are combined to find the location of the particular memory bit that you want to read or write. If you think of one of the bytes as a kind of “rough locator” knob, and the other as a “fine tuning” knob, it might be easier to picture. One turn of the big value knob is worth 256 turns of the fine tuning knob. For example, if we want to find memory location #5000, we would set the big knob to 5000 / 256 = 19, and the little knob to 5000 – (256/19) = 136. If you turn both knobs to maximum, you get 65536, or 64K

So how could a 6509 claim to access up to 1 MB? How did Commodore sell 128MB and 256MB variants? That should be impossible, right? That is, after all, why manufacturers moved on to 16-bit CPUs like the Motorola 68000, no? And why Bill Gates famously didn’t-quite-say “640K ought to be enough for anyone”.  The way Commodore “solved” the problem was by putting in several “banks” of 64K RAM, and then giving the 6509 the ability to switch between the different banks. It could never “see” all of them at once. But it could access them, so a clever programmer could figure how to break up a big set of data into two or more banks, and go through them one at a time. Done correctly, this would be fairly invisible to the user.

Unfortunately, and I really mean this was unfortunate, the way Commodore set up the B-series computers made it not only difficult to switch between banks, it made it extremely difficult for Assembly language programmers to write anything other than a tiny program. The basic model came with 128K of RAM, in two banks. That’s all fine and good. But the computer’s operating system was housed in a third “bank”. The operating system contained everything needed to display text on the screen, get input from the keyboard, read and write to disks, etc. All very useful things for programmers to have access to for their programs. If you are operating in Bank 15 (the OS bank), you have access to all the tools you need to manipulate the machine. Unfortunately, Commodore only provided a paltry 1K of space to save your program in. You can actually see that 1K of RAM, by itself, in update #5. Many users resorted to having cartridges permanently plugged in that would give you another 4K of RAM (5K of RAM is nowhere near enough).

Commodore did go on to solve this problem in the C-128. Or, if not “solve”, than provide a decent workaround for the 8-bit limitation of the hardware. In the C-128, the banks were more virtual: a dedicated MMU (memory management unit) could flexibly construct combinations of ROM and RAM to give programmers access to what they needed, and let them overwrite what they didn’t need. The system came with several default configurations, but one could also configure different ones, including one ($0E) that would give you access to key OS functions, but also a relatively posh 48K of RAM for your own use. The C-128 also came with dedicated routines for accessing other banks of memory, and these are sorely lacking on the B-series machines.

“Bank switching is more complex than on other models. Beginners will find that there are more things to be kept track of in this machine. If possible, beginners should try to find a simpler computer on which to take their first steps.”  – Jim Butterfield, Machine Language for the Commodore

In the 6509 and the B-series, you can see Commodore trying to make their 8-bit technology meet the increasing demand for more memory from programmers and consumers. Unfortunately for the B-series, Commodore met the challenge on paper, but not on silicon. As everyone knows, you can have the greatest hardware in the world, but if people don’t write software for it, it will not meet its potential. It is certainly true that many software makers would never have developed for the B-series, given the incredible number of C-64s that were being sold. But many would have, if Commodore had done more to make it practical.

Strategy on Acquiring a Replacement 6509

On my CBM 710, the CPU slot is bare. Barer than a streaker’s arse. Barer than… well, you get the point. I have three possible strategies for filling that slot up:

  1. Buy a 6509 off E-bay. People sell all kinds of chips on there. Must be one around, right?
  2. Strip another B-series machine of its CPU. Kind of sad, but if the machine is already broken, perhaps acceptable.
  3. Magic!

I’ll just skip to the chase and say that I investigated #1 before I bought the machine, and already knew it was hopeless. 6509s are made from 100% pure unobtainium, as far as E-bay is concerned.

Number 2 is definitely an option, and I do have access to a couple of B-128s, one of which is not working. With some negotiating, I think I can work something out. We have not tested why the broken one isn’t working, but it’s not likely to be the CPU. I don’t really like this option, however, as I would rather add a working B-series to the world.

That leaves magic as the preferred option. And what is magic, you ask? Magic, in this case, is the wonderful, incredible modern-day era of technology tinkerers. Much in the same way that someone is working on a complete replacement (with improvements) for the Commodore 8088 board, a few people from the CBM Hackers mailing list are working on a way to create more 6509s. Perhaps “create” is not as correct as “transmute”. These modern-day alchemists are looking to turn plain jane 6502s, which exist in abundance, into 6509s that we can drop into our B-series machines. I have been tracking this development for a while, and it looks very promising at this point. Jim Brain from Retro Innovations is working on the hardware:

I was concerned that the 6502s only run at 1 MHz, and the 6509 in the B-series run at 2 MHz, but the folks on the mailing list set me straight: 6502s come in many flavors, including up 1, 2, and 3 MHz versions. So maybe a speed upgrade is also possible? Not sure what that would do to programming, but maybe I’ll have a chance to find out.

Actually, My Real Problem Is…

So this is why I’m re-focusing my RetroChallenge a bit: the CPU is not, in fact, my main challenge. My main challenge is replacing the power supply. Mine is a European machine, expecting 220/240V AC power at 50 Hz. I live in the U.S., so my power is 120V @ 60 Hz. So even if the 35 year old power supply still worked (dubious), I can’t plug it in and see.

I’ve been trying to work through various posts about this, and have asked a few people. So far, I’ve cobbled together a Mean Well RT-125B power supply, an NTSC color burst crystal, and an ELM440 frequency generator. The strictly power part should be fine, with the Mean Well. It is much smaller than the current power supply, and should generate enough power (especially as I only have 128MB RAM and no co-processor board). The challenge for me, anyway, is the timing circuit. I’m not a “hardware guy”, and definitely not an electrical engineer. I have a collaborator for this part, but his schedule hasn’t allowed him to really dig into it, so while we’ll get the PSU figured out, it isn’t likely to be before the end of the month.

Next update: getting started with CBM II series development!



Author: Micah Bly
I was first exposed to computers when I was nine years old, and my brother acquired a Timex-Sinclair 1000. Typing, on the TV... Amazing! Perhaps that's giving the little black door jamb too much credit, because no one ever typed on that membrane keyboard. But still: making stuff appear on TV = magic! We got a C-64 some time after that, and the rest is history. If you go to the Living Computer Museum in Seattle, they have a display up right now with an 80s arcade, a kid's room (with wood paneling, of course), and a classroom equipped with Apple IIs. My room wasn't that cool, my school's computer lab wasn't that well lit, and the arcades didn't give out free quarters, but other than that, that's basically a snapshot of my early life. I work in IT, and program 8 bits for fun. (Thanks Commodore!)

2 thoughts on “Restoring CBM 710: No CPU, No Problem – RetroChallenge 2018/04 – Update #6

  1. Hello Micah, very good goal to “fix” the 710. I’ve one but… without the mother board…. so i’ve got just the case and the power supply: not a lot :-) i’m thinking to insert a C128 mother board…. but i’ve to understand the right connection for the monitor. A my goal.. i hope to to far. I hope :-) Good luck for your goals. Hi, Edy

  2. Hello Micah, very good goal to “fix” the 710. I’ve one but… without the mother board…. so i’ve got just the case and the power supply: not a lot :-) i’m thinking to insert a C128 mother board…. but i’ve to understand the right connection for the monitor. A my goal.. i hope not too far. I hope :-) Good luck for your goals. Hi, Edy

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