Tag: B-256

Designing a Game for a Failed 8-bit Platform With No Graphics – RetroChallenge 2018/04 – Update #10

This is my 10th, and presumably final RetroChallenge update: tomorrow is the end of the contest. Most people would say “Hey, you were crazy to set that goal in the first place, let alone start with only a day left.” Ah, what do they know? I just a game design, and write some code. Sure, I only started learning assembly…

Restoring CBM 710: No CPU, No Problem – RetroChallenge 2018/04 – Update #6

A reminder to the hoards of fans who have been following along with bated breath each day for updates on this project: my goal for this, my first  RetroChallenge, is to get a CBM 710 into working state. My super ambitious goal would be to also write an assembly language program and get it running on the CBM 710. My…

When they go low, we go high (profile) – RetroChallenge 2018/04 – Update #2

You Say Tomato, I say C128-40! Before I dive into the innards of my CBM 710D and we go spelunking for missing chips, I want to introduce the other computers in the B series. There were actually three main variants of this line of computers: The high-profile version with the integrated monitor. The video chip in the high profile machines…