This is my 10th, and presumably final RetroChallenge update: tomorrow is the end of the contest. Most people would say “Hey, you were crazy to set that goal in the first place, let alone start with only a day left.” Ah, what do they know? I just a game design, and write some code. Sure, I only started learning assembly seriously a couple months ago, but how hard can it be?
Why a Game?
This is a good question. For anyone who missed update #5 (“CBM II Series: You Get Nothing!”), and who didn’t actually use a B-128/B-256/CBM 7×0 series machine, this particular line of Commodore machines has absolutely no bit-mapped graphics ability. You can’t even create limited graphics by means of a custom “font” as you can on the C-64 and C-128. So why not do something else? I actually tried to think of something “useful” I could make, that would make it feasible perhaps to use the CBM 710 on a daily basis. I like old cars as well, but I don’t like “trailer queens”, I like “daily drivers”: it’s old, but it runs great, and you drive it around for the pleasure of being in it.
Unfortunately, I couldn’t think of any software I could write that would be “useful”. I wrote a basic word processor for the C-128 a year or so ago, in C, but never actually used it. In that particular case, no matter how great a C128 word processor could be, for me it would be hard to overcome the crapalicious keyboard. Also, who else is going to want a new word processor or other business app? No one, that’s who. But a game, well, I might actually play that.
Oh, and as to the overall question of “why do anything at all for the CBM series?”, my answer is simple: if I have to explain that to you, you probably aren’t reading this blog in the first place. Or if you are, for the love of Chuck Peddle, stop reading now.
Design Goals
- Create a game in 650x assembly that runs natively on the Commodore B series.
- Do something that no one else has done on this platform
- Make the game something I would have fun playing
- Make it easy to expand the game world by adding new maps, etc.
- Have music playing in the background, during gameplay (not just at the intro).
- Nice to have: make it easy to port the game to other 8 bit platforms
#1 is quite a challenge, because I’m a 6502 assembly newbie, and I’ve also had a grand total of about 60 seconds with an actual physical B machine that was running. And, as covered a bit in update #6, the B series have a quite complicated and rather nasty memory scheme.
For #2, writing a game in assembly for the B series almost gets me there by itself. Space Chase is brand new (relative time, people), but that is the only B series game not written in BASIC that I am aware of. There could easily be a few more out there, from the 80s. Space Chase is really interesting: the author used the PETSCII graphic characters to write a layer of code that lets him have a 160×50 “bit-mapped” graphics screen to work with. Very clever! It’s kind of hectic space shoot ’em up. So as long as I don’t do that, I’m in the clear. Well, that and pure text games like Zork. (Although I have thought it would be fun to make a Z machine for the B series and replay some of the classics).
For #4, yeah, I know no one will make expansion packs or anything, but I hate closing down doors before I’ve even built the frame of the house. I want this to be easy to build content for, because among other things, I’m going to have to put some content in it myself.
#5 is really scary to me: I can’t do any kind of music. I’ve been looking into the differences between SID music for C-64 and the B series, and while the difference is in theory small, I think in practice, it’s going to be nearly impossible to take a ripped SID written for the C-64, and adjust to play on the B series. Which puts me in a really awkward place, because I can’t write any music. The IRQ routine I may be able to handle, at least on an emulated B machine with artificially boosted Bank 15 RAM, but the music would be very basic: the kind of thing you would have gotten out of a 1982 Commodore user guide. I don’t have a solution for this, so other than the basic investigation, I’m setting this aside for a future date.
For #6, I’m not really doing much, just keeping a few things in mind as I go, such as maximum RAM usage, and screen size limitations. For the most part, other 8-bit platforms will be better positioned to handle the game (color and graphics).
Game Engine Design
For this game, I want to try simulating a 3D first-person shooter type perspective, and meld it with additional text and PETSCII-based information and interaction controls. I don’t know if this is at all possible, but I think it might be. There was a PET “game” in the 1980s called “maze” (I think). The version I tracked down was written in BASIC, and with a little tweaking, ran on a C-128. I put game in quotes because the only thing you could do was wonder around a narrow maze until you got to the end.
Very Slight Tangent: Maze War
The parent of all maze type games, and all first person shooters, was of course, Maze War. If you don’t know what it is, do yourself a favor and follow that link or others, and read up on it. 3D FPS in 1974. If you though Oregon Trail was as good as it got in the 1970s, this will blow your mind.
Note: if you get a chance to go to the Living Computer Museum in Seattle, which I consider to be the greatest museum ever built (for computer nerds), you can actually play Maze War on one of their Xerox Altos! I took the family there last month for spring break, and checked out how Maze Wars works in person. The Alto was a graphical platform, so it has a leg up on me there: it can do real line plotting.
Player Movement in the World
What I would like to try is to have the player be able to navigate around a pseudo 3D world freely. There would be corridors, open rooms, doors, archways, secret doors, and stairways up and down. And perhaps some kind of objects in some of the rooms, depending on how gameplay evolves. I’m not convinced that having people will work: if we had graphics or color, I could see it. But with just PETSCII to work with, and no color to distinguish background from foreground objects, it’s going to be hard to make out any kind of person-like shape. Avatars might be possible.
The 3D World
The 3D world would be rendered based on a 2D map. I’m using a 16×16 grid for the map, so that any position on the map can be described with a single byte. For example, column 5, row 9 can be represented as $95, while the farthest corner of the map will be $FF. I load the map into memory at the start of a page of memory. This makes it easy-peasy to find the memory location any given grid cell on the map.
What I store in each of those 256 bytes of memory is the information about what kind of tile that spot in the map is.
Each cell on the map can be assigned a “tile”, or cell template. A cell can have 4 walls: N, E, S, and W. Each wall, or “panel”, can be one of the following types of surface:
- a solid wall
- a solid wall in inverse “color”
- a wall with a closed door in it
- a wall with an open archway
- nothing: open space
The cell templates are just different arrangements of these 5 panel types. For example an East-West corridor tile, a small “room” with doors on all four walls, etc. To help make visualize it and whip up maps quickly, I used OmniGraffle to make building block templates:
Each cell template consumes 4 bytes of memory, one for each wall/panel. This is a lot, but since I re-use 57 the preset templates, it saves quite a bit of memory that would otherwise go into having to store 4 bytes for each of the 256 grid cells. 256*4 = 1024 bytes vs the template model of 256*1 + 4*57 = 484 bytes. In my assembly code, the 57 templates are defined with .byte statements. Note: the template ID is not explicit: it is inferred from listed order in memory.
; cell templates ; N wall panel ID, S wall panel ID, W wall panel ID, E wall panel ID CELL_TEMPLATES: .byte $03,$03,$03,$03 .byte $01,$01,$01,$01 .byte $03,$01,$01,$01 .byte $01,$01,$01,$03 .byte $01,$03,$01,$01 .byte $01,$01,$03,$01 .byte $00,$00,$00,$00 .byte $03,$00,$00,$00 .byte $00,$00,$00,$03 etc. etc...
To mock up a map for Level One, I used OmniGraffle with the building block templates I made. I can’t draw by hand or I would have done that instead, although OmniGraffle does make everything a lot easier. I used the map from level one of Wolfenstein 3D as inspiration (and for fun).
As you can see, I haven’t bothered with the right half of the map. There is more than enough in the left half to keep me busy setting up code to read the map, get the cell template corresponding to a grid, getting the 4 walls (NESW), matching each against the 5 panel types, and then displaying all that to the user in pseudo 3D.
UI Mockup
What is this game going to look like to the user? Let’s work on that. My goal is pseudo-3D. What that means, concretely, is that I will try to use the PETSCII character set to render a 3D view of the world. It will not be real 3D for 2 reasons:
- I am not making a 3D cartesian rendering system. My goal is to cheap out and just display pre-created “panels” at angles of either 270 degrees to the user, 0 degrees to the user (straight ahead), or 90 degrees to the user (on the right).
- Even if I did want to do a real 3D world, I don’t have tools to draw lines, because I have no pixels to work with. I actually did consider the Space Race-style 160×50 pseudo bitmap graphics, but it would chunkier than the graphics on a Timex-Sinclair 1000. And that’s saying something!
Imagine if Battle Zone had been created without vector graphics, but instead with \, /, |, _, etc. It maybe works better seeing it “live” than it does in describing it. Or perhaps it doesn’t. I’m planning to use my kids as beta testers, and they have grown up with full color retina graphics, so that should be an interesting test of whether or not this technique can help people imagine themselves in a 3D world.
Three-Panel Approach
One of the main components of the UI is obviously the 3D world “view”. I am going with a three-panel approach for the screen: left side is the 3D view, right side is a general feedback area with text descriptions, action choices, etc. On the bottom, running across the entire screen is an inventory, compass, etc.
Doing a quick wireframe, it comes out something like this:
One of the questions I still have is whether the 3D world should be full width or not. The three-panel approach allows non-graphical information to be displayed alongside the graphical information. If this was going to be a first person shooter, that probably wouldn’t be necessary: a window could be displayed on the screen only when necessary to tell the player something, or get their feedback. But with our sad “graphics”, players will need pretty constant access to additional information.
The other reason I am keeping this design (for now), is that if the game is fun, I might be interested in porting it to the C-128 in 80 column mode. Instead of PETSCII graphics, we could do real graphics. Keeping the window small would help keep the rendering speed up. Full screen graphics render with the VDC chip in the C128 is not fast.
Gameplay Design
It is a good idea to determine what kind of game you are making before you start coding. Which makes me really wish I knew what I was going to do for the gameplay design. By “gameplay design”, I mean what the player will do, how they will score points, how they will get hurt, die, win, lose, etc.
I do have a couple ideas, but I’m leaving this open for now, because I want to see what is achievable with the game engine first. What the game engine is capable of doing will likely drive quite a bit of the gameplay design.
Bringing Life to the Design
We may not have a full game design at this point, but there is a lot of low-level functionality we’ll need no matter what the final gameplay design ends up looking like. So let’s get started on transferring the design from paper, to Assembly language statements.
One thing about coding for Assembly that has struck me in particular is the importance of organizing your thoughts before doing any coding. Designing things on a napkin, or in a text editor is almost always a time saver. In some languages though, I feel like I have enough structure available to me, and enough familiarity, that I can start to code things up sooner rather than later, especially low-level functions. But with Assembly, there are no classes, no scope, no libraries, shoot, there aren’t even really variables. For me, the lack of structure in the language and my lack of familiarity mean that I am (for once?) taking the design-before-code part seriously. For example, consider the three-part UI design above. Without knowing exactly what information will be presented in the right-hand feedback area, it’s clear we will need to provide quite a bit of framework:
That is just my first pass at it. (The lines aren’t meant to represent flow here). What I will do next is take each of those while boxes, and explode it out into a little flow diagram, listing variables/memory slot usage, input, output, etc. Having to think through the logic, and write it down, helps me code faster in this situation. I am still not very good at looking at a block of Assembly and understanding exactly what it is doing, and why. So having a diagram start from, and go back to, has been indispensable. I try to keep the individual flow diagrams pretty high level though, as I’m finding the branching and comparison operations in Assembly have me doing low-level code in a different order than I probably would when using higher level languages.
Just came across this and well, it’s a lot of deja-vu. I’m currently writing an RPG for the 8032, but since it uses PETSCII graphics, it’s been written in a way that it can be ported to the B128-80 and the C128 (I have all 3 systems). I’ve got a small percentage of the game engine done, and it’s written in BASIC but compiled with PETSPEED. I’m still trying to find PETSPEED for the B-series, I know it was released but haven’t come across it yet. Either way, very cool and good luck!
I’d love to see what you’ve got. In particular, how did you approach the hallway/room pseudo 3D challenge? I jumped into the first design I had, without mocking it up on (virtual) graph paper, and I paid for it: it works fine for corridors that are 1 “cell” wide, but if you have one that is 2 cells (or more) wide, the / and \ things won’t line up from near to far. It was too bad (for me), because the rest of the concept worked great, and it was easy to design maps and wall surfaces with a simple text editor.
I started to look into some kind of actual 3D mapping, but that got over my head pretty quickly.
I don’t know about PETSPEED, but Steve Gray’s page listed a BASIC compiler for the CBM IIs, and this page has it:
(you’ll need google translate perhaps to understand the manual).
I didn’t even know there was a contest going on, so I’m just writing one to write one :) Mine’s not 3D, it’s a standard top down RPG as it would look on a 1980s computer – lots of text and single characters. Also, if I remember right, one of the slashes is replaced by the pound symbol on later C= computers. By using the PETSCII /, it lines up properly if you use the proper poke to add/remove spaces between the lines – at least on the 8032. It removes the spaces that allows the decenders between character lines. Thanks for the link, that helps a lot.