Applesoft BASIC now has access to an easy-to-use Double Low-Resolution Library

Starting from the //e enhanced, the Apple II featured a double LORES mode with 80 x 48 pixels in 16 colours. Although still blocky, the smaller pixels and full access to 16 colours brought new graphics capabilities for the Apple II. The only problem was that BASIC programmers didn’t have available easy-to-use commands to access this mode and with sparse documentation and complex implementation even in assembler, the new mode was never widely used.

To fill that gap, Dr. Marc A. Golombeck has developed a Double Low-Resolution graphics library which can be called directly from BASIC using ampersand commands (e.g. &PLOT) but only on the Apple IIe Enhanced, IIc, and the IIgs.

I am a big fan of blocky low-resolution graphics. When well designed, they give the same experience as higher resolution counterparts since they can also rely on more colours. Having now this option for the Apple II could bring some nice games or animations to the platform.

From the developer webpage, the following ampersand-commands are available:

  • &GR: switches to double LORES mode and clears the screen
  • &TEXT: returns to 40-column text mode
  • &COLOR=: sets the plotting colour (range: 0..15)
  • &PLOT X, Y[, COLOR]: plots a pixel at X, Y. The parameter COLOR is optional.
  • &SCRN(X, Y, C%): reads out MAIN or AUX memory depending on the given coordinates and returns the colour value C% of the selected pixel (range: $00..$0F / 0..15)
  • &VLIN Y1, Y2, X[, COLOR]: plots a vertical line from Y1 to Y2 at column X. The parameter COLOR is optional.
  • &HLIN X1, X2, Y[, COLOR]: plots a horizontal line from X1 to X2 at row Y. The parameter COLOR is optional.

Enhanced commands:

  • &F: Fill the current drawing screen with the currently set colour which was set by the command  &COLOR=. If the current colour = 0 the current drawing screen will be erased.
  • &S 1/2: Show page 1 or page 2. This command flips display pages and makes the most sense in combination with the following command.
  • &D 1/2: Selects the active drawing page 1 or page 2.

This last three can be particularly useful to create smoother animations since “the standard operation mode after initializing the double LORES via &GR the drawing and display page is set to 1 so the user can see all the drawings as they happen. If you want to draw on the other page as the user can see you need to issue e.g. the following commands: &S1 : &D2 for drawing on page 2 while displaying page 1. Page flipping would be done after the drawing has been finished with the sequence &S2 : &D1 and vice-versa.

The webpage linked at the end has detailed information on how to use the library as well as a disk image that you can download and try yourself.

To try the library I’ve created the ViTNO logo using the double-low-res mode, and the result is here in this entertaining time-lapse video:

Link: Dr. Marc André Golombeck Website
Source: Call A.P.P.L.E

Author: Paulo Garcia

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