Tag: 80 Micro

December 2017 issue of TRS8BIT newsletter available to satisfy all your TRS-80 cravings

The December 2017 edition of TRS8BIT is now available from the downloads page, with well over 60 pages of news, reviews and general chit-chat for you to enjoy. There is news about the ‘Super Card Pro’ from cbmstuff.com, Ian Mavric has 4 articles, ranging from Tandy’s work with agriculture, down under, a review of his visit to the TA in Ohio, further…

Golden Age of TRS-80: A Look Back At RadioShack Computers

PC Magazine likes its slide shows, and sometimes they are really interesting. This one goes through the golden age of TRS-80. It shows only the main computers Tandy-Radio Shack had released since 1977 with the TRS-80 Model I. If you don’t know much about the TRS line, take a ride down the memory lane, following the link below. Link: PCMag