Tag: apple IIc

First Mockingboard sound card for the Apple IIc

The fist Mockingboard Sound card that can be installed internally in an Apple IIc has been produced by Ian Kim (Apple II Forever). There aren’t many details about the board, but it seems it won’t be available for the general audience anytime soon. According to A2Central, the first batch of cards are going to Ian’s friends with international sales coming…

The Best Apple II Podcast has new episode!

Although it is the only Apple II podcast around, it deserves the “best” title. Open Apple brings every month a nice balance of technical, geek and normal retro computing discussions regarding the Apple II. This month’s episode, number 55, brings Henry Courbis, co-proprietor of Ultimate Micro, serial entrepreneur, and Open Source guy. Henry is boldly going where no hobbyist has gone before, by…

Apple IIc Plus Accelerator Control

Quinn Dunki while not recording Open Apple podcast, keeps herself busy tinkering with the Apple IIc. She has published on her blog, Blondihacks, an extensive and super-geeky article to show how she was able to add an accelerator control for the Apple IIc plus, a machine that was able to run on both 4Mhz and the Apple II standard 1.023Mhz….

Apple IIc VGA Adapter Review

The website Old Tech New Tech Magazine has published a detailed review of the VGA Adapter for the Apple IIc. The product, sold by A2Heaven costs USD$85, seemed to please the reviewer, Warren Ernst: “The Apple IIc VGA adapter is not for everyone. People without eyes, for example, won’t benefit from it. …the A2Heaven’s Apple IIc VGA adapter is arguably the most worthwhile…

A2heaven is open for business selling Apple II goodies!

A2heaven is a webstore selling modern hardware for the Apple II line of computers, include the IIe and IIc, including the Apple IIC VGA NTSC, allowing to connect VGA monitor to your IIc, and the SDFloppy II, and Disk II emulator that uses SD Card as storage media. Check it out the new store following the link below. Link: a2Heaven

Apple IIC Teardown Video

Did you always want to see how is a Apple IIc inside? EEVblog Youtube channel has published today a video showing a Apple IIC teardown. [youtube JsUM-ZcBFE0 nolink] The compact Apple II, released in 1994 is very compact, considering it features a 5 1/4″ floppy, lots of interfaces and the keyboard, all in one unit. David L. Jones actually starts…

Truly-portable Apple IIc Ready for KansasFest! Teasing Video

[youtube WqntkEOugYY nolink] The video above shows an amazing Apple IIc mod, battery-powered and with a built-in colour monitor. Charles Mangin, the guy behind the amazing machine will be showing it off at KansasFest. Source: A2Central

Apple II Online Store now Open for Business

It is now open and accepting new order the online store UltimateApple2.com. The store offers hardware and software products for your Apple II, IIc and IIGS. Henry S Courbis also added on the Facebook group Apple II Enthusiasts, that the forum is also open “for project support, discussions, documents, and software. It’s still a work in progress, and new things…

Video: Replace RAM in an Apple //c

[youtube WnVeB5UX8LY nolink] Chris Torrence has published the Assembly Lines video podcast #11 which shows how to remove the soldered RAM chips in an Apple //c and replace with socketed RAM. Source: A2Central