Tag: Blondihacks

KansasFest 2017 – Apple II Convention Call for Sessions

KansasFest is the Mecca of the Apple enthusiasts, a gathering that happens every July and lasts for many days talking about Apple, listening to presentations, hacking the next Apple II game or just hanging out with new and old friends. If you are planning to attend the convention this year and you have something interesting to talk about, KansasFest organizers…

Blondihacks – Apple II modern storage solution 'Floppy Emu' review

Quinn Dunki, host #1 of Open Apple podcast and the woman behind Blondihacks blog, has published an extensive review of the most recent release in the modern storage realm, the Floppy Emu by Steve Chamberlin of Big Mess O’ Wires fame. “The best part of the Floppy Emu is probably its flexibility. It will emulate 5.25″ drives, 3.5″ drives, and Smart Port devices…

Apple IIc Plus Accelerator Control

Quinn Dunki while not recording Open Apple podcast, keeps herself busy tinkering with the Apple IIc. She has published on her blog, Blondihacks, an extensive and super-geeky article to show how she was able to add an accelerator control for the Apple IIc plus, a machine that was able to run on both 4Mhz and the Apple II standard 1.023Mhz….