Tag: Boucher Alexis
As we reported a week ago, Philippe Lang’s Kickstarter campaign to create new housing for the Amiga 1200 has started. Philippe Lang is here to save the day!, No more will you need to worry about yellowing ageing cracked broken cases. This is the Ami Kickstarter of ALL Kickstarters!So let’s take that in a bit. These are not old molds…
We have just been informed by Boucher Alexis (VingTrois Seize) about some Fantastic News! All you Amigans are gonna love this! We was fortunate to be blessed with the Kickstarter for new Commodore 64 replacement cases. Guess what? Now it’s the Amiga’s turn! Yes you heard correct!, in roughly 12 days, a new Kickstarter Project will be launched to make…