Tag: First computer

‘Loop’, ‘Bug’, ‘Patch’ ? Know from where these terms came from!

This is not “hot news”, but it is always fun to share tidbits of computer history! “Loop”, “Library” and “Patch” are common terms used among programmers, while “Bug” is widely known by users as well, but do you know when they were used for the first time? The Harvard University maintains a page about the Mark I, the first programmable computer in…

Neverending Quest for "Firsts"

The Computer History Museum blog has a lengthy article by Hansen Hsu entitled “The Neverending Quest for ‘Firsts’” in which he discusses what it really means to be the “first” computer. “What ‘first’ means depends on precise definitions of fuzzy concepts.”– Computer History Museum Board Chair Len Shustek It’s a great article that also delves into history’s habit of failing…

3.14.15 – ∏ Day Fun Fact: ENIAC was the first computer to calculate the number

This year we have the most Pi day of all Pi days you can get in a life time (unless you gonna be around 3.14.2115!). Retrocomputaria, the Brazilian retro computer podcast and blog made us remember the that ENIAC was the first computer that calculates the PI number back in 1949. At that time, John von Neumann and his crew…