Tag: GTW
GTW (Games that Weren’t) is always one of our favourite C64 websites, with pristine work recovering information about games that never got released, and making all the effort to make them see the light of the day. Sometimes, long years of research pay out. They just recently announced that ‘Daffy Duck – And The Great Paint Caper’ is now available…
A new late summer update at GTW64, which includes: Behemoth found and reconstructed + sources Ilogical picross clone recovered and released Welcome to Hell preview found Moonraker full game recovered and released 16 other new entries added 51 other updates added And finally… Something is brewing at GTW64… that is all… Website: http://www.gamesthatwerent.com/gtw64
[youtube EJbB10Z-6fo nolink] Back in January the ‘Games That Weren’t‘ website announced that a copy of Last Ninja 2 on the Konix Multisystem had been found. Fast forward to February and now the GTW team have received an update that one disk of the game has been saved and that now the game is playable on an emulator! An amazing…
Games That Weren’t 64 has released the attempt/proof of concept of the game god-sim Populous by Peter Molyneux. Coder, Frank Hugenroth, got in touch with GTW64 in 2015 and confirmed that it was created more as a technical demo for the C64 and was contributed initially as a contribution to an animation/GFX competition. Andreas Vargas commented on GTW 64 that…