Tag: Kick Assembler
Kick Assembler is the combination of an assembler for 6510 machine code and a high level script language. Read more about the many features in the manual. Latest release (v4.19) Performance tuned nodelists. Updated the numberoperators <, >, &, |, ^,<< and >> so they will work on dwords (4 byte values). Updated the print library functions toHexString, toIntString, toOctalString…
Kick Assembler is the combination of an assembler for doing 6510 machine code and a high level script language. Read more about the many features in the manual. New release (v4.17) Bugfix: A define directive inside a macro gave a nullpointer exception. Thanks to Peter Rasmussen for pointing this out! Website: http://www.theweb.dk/KickAssembler/
New release (v4.9) New .memblock directive (eg. .memblock “Data”). Starts a memoryblock at the position of the current pc. -excludeillegal option for excluding illegal opcodes Added == and != operators on lists Bugfix: #elif + #else gave wrong result. Thanks to Antonio Savona for pointing this out! .zp directive for marking yet unresolved labels as being in zeropage (.zp {…
New release (v4.8) Performance tuning – the assembler now runs a little faster Error message for setting negative memory positions (*=-$1000) ByteDump: printing 32 bytes pr row for directives that output many bytes Labelscoping for the if directive. (sta if.myLable+1; if: .if (condition) {myLabel: lda #0}) Bugfix: Corrected error appearing when a list is added to itself. Thanks to Alex…
19/7-2016 : New release (v4.2): -Access to for scopes. (loop: for(…) {…}; sta loop[2].x+1) -Misc internal refactorings of methods on values -Bug fix: Corrected null pointer exception from the .pseudopc directive. -Bug fix: Corrected null pointer exception on special case of unmatched bracket. Website: http://www.theweb.dk/KickAssembler/Main.php