Tag: Kick Assembler

Kick Assembler Updated to V4.19

Kick Assembler is the combination of an assembler for 6510 machine code and a high level script language. Read more about the many features in the manual. Latest release (v4.19) Performance tuned nodelists. Updated the numberoperators <, >, &, |, ^,<< and >> so they will work on dwords (4 byte values). Updated the print library functions toHexString, toIntString, toOctalString…

Kick Assembler Updated to V4.17

Kick Assembler is the combination of an assembler for doing 6510 machine code and a high level script language. Read more about the many features in the manual. New release (v4.17) Bugfix: A define directive inside a macro gave a nullpointer exception. Thanks to Peter Rasmussen for pointing this out! Website: http://www.theweb.dk/KickAssembler/

Kick Assembler Updated to Version v4.9

New release (v4.9) New .memblock directive (eg. .memblock “Data”). Starts a memoryblock at the position of the current pc. -excludeillegal option for excluding illegal opcodes Added == and != operators on lists Bugfix: #elif + #else gave wrong result. Thanks to Antonio Savona for pointing this out! .zp directive for marking yet unresolved labels as being in zeropage (.zp {…

Kick Assembler Updated to Version v4.8

New release (v4.8) Performance tuning – the assembler now runs a little faster Error message for setting negative memory positions (*=-$1000) ByteDump: printing 32 bytes pr row for directives that output many bytes Labelscoping for the if directive. (sta if.myLable+1; if: .if (condition) {myLabel: lda #0}) Bugfix: Corrected error appearing when a list is added to itself. Thanks to Alex…

Kick Assembler Updated to Version v4.7

Kick Assembler release v4.7: Bugfix: Correcting errors that occurs in certain cases when passing unlocked lists as arguments to macros. Download: KickAssembler.zip Manual: [pdf | html] Website: Kick Assembler

Kick Assembler v4.2

19/7-2016 : New release (v4.2): -Access to for scopes. (loop: for(…) {…}; sta loop[2].x+1) -Misc internal refactorings of methods on values -Bug fix: Corrected null pointer exception from the .pseudopc directive. -Bug fix: Corrected null pointer exception on special case of unmatched bracket. Website: http://www.theweb.dk/KickAssembler/Main.php

Kick Assembler v3.40

The last couple of months there have been updates for Kick Assembler. The recent changes are: Improvements for ListValue.addAll(list), the .byte/.word directives, HashTable(), put() and the asNumber function. Website: http://www.theweb.dk/KickAssembler/Main.php