Star Text Project

After watching “The Search for Spock”, I remembered the text-based game Star Trek(c), first made in 1972 I believe (too bad Encyclopedia Britannica I have doesn’t mention it) by Mike Mayfield.

Although I know there are C64 versions of the game, I decided to work on my own version, tweaking the way I want.

First of all, I had to find some reliable old BASIC version. Looking on several BBS that I have access to, I’ve found a Super Star Trek(c) variant written in BASIC, which seemed to suit me well, because it doesn’t include any screen positioning command, displaying everything as scrolling up the text – very vanilla and easier to customize for the C64 screen size.

Yesterday I finally finished typing in everything (yes, you read it right!), and took me couple hours to go through the several game paths, and fix my mistakes like syntax errors. The game running as is, has serious problems to fit the C64 screen, as you can see on the photos below.

My first task is to fix this, making the game to fit the screen size properly, and make the menu transitions also prettier.

IMPORTANT: Paramount Pictures owns Star Trek name and its related names. Since they released the films on theatres few years ago, they are more concerning about keeping the intellectual Property under control. To respect that, I’ll change the name of the game to Star Text (clever, uh?!), and also I’ll change all other references to something new.

I’m inclined to keep the texts as is, to keep the same look and feel from the original game. On my next post, I’ll show you how the first screens are. Stay tuned!

Author: Paulo
Site co-founder, Slack admin, web admin and fan of tinkering with BASIC and assembly language for old machines.

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