Stella Version 4.0 Released

stella_logoA significant new release of the Atari 2600 emulator Stella, version 4.0, has been released today. Stella is a multi-platform Atari 2600 VCS emulator released under the GNU General Public License (GPL), and versions have been released for a wide variety of operating systems. Stella allows you to enjoy the large library of Atari 2600 titles on your computer, and it’s an exceptional tool for anyone creating new homebrew games for the 2600. Stella is actively maintained by Stephen Anthony, who continues to make improvements and add new features to the emulator.

Changes in this new release of Stella include:

  • Ported Stella to SDL2, which brings many new features. Among the largest improvements is native hardware acceleration support for Windows (Direct3D) and Linux/OSX (OpenGL). It is also now possible to port Stella to iOS and Android devices using OpenGLES. Hardware acceleration is now required, which means up-to-date drivers are needed. Software rendering is still present, but is somewhat unoptimized and unsupported going forward.
  • Fullscreen video modes now use the desktop resolution. Switching to fullscreen and back to windowed mode no longer rearranges icons on your desktop.
  • TIA TV effects are now available in all video modes, since hardware acceleration is a requirement.
  • Added a much more detailed view of cart extended RAM to a new debugger tab. Special thanks to SpiceWare for this implementation.
  • Added preliminary support for ‘DASH’ bankswitching scheme by A. Davie.
  • The AtariVox and SaveKey controllers now have the ability in the debugger to completely erase the virtual EEPROM data.
  • Added ‘savesnap’ debugger prompt command, and also associated context menu item to the debugger TIA output area. This saves the current TIA image to a PNG file.
  • Added ‘hidecursor’ commandline option, which allows to completely disable showing the mouse cursor (useful on systems that don’t have a mouse).
  • Removed ‘uipalette’ option, as the original palette is no longer supported.
  • Updated included PNG library to latest stable version.

You can visit the Stella website to download the latest version for your platform. If you actively use Stella, making a donation will help ensure it’s continued development. To view a detailed list of all the changes, as well as discuss the emulator with Stella’s primary developer, please visit the AtariAge Emulation Forum.


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