New 8-bit retro computer magazine Kickstarter campaign


With a small target of €600 (for Kickstarted standards), the Eight Bit Magazine campaign has started and by the time I write this, has almost reached its goal.

The project is a retro computer magazine that goes beyond the usual game review magazines we are used to. They plan to cover the hardware and programming side of computers from the 70’s to early 90’s.

John Kavanagh plans don’t stop on a single issue as you can see from the project description: “We have a number of people involved in this Kickstarter project, and the plan is to get more onboard for future issues. We want to create a community of eight-bit enthusiasts writing for the magazine coming up with articles we haven’t even thought of yet.”

The campaign has only two pledging tiers: €6 for the printed magazine shipped everywhere and €10 for the same plus your name and any sentence up to 255 characters printed in the magazine.

John has some previous projects that you can check on the Kickstarter page. He also ensures that if the goal is reached, the magazine will be printed and will have at least 48 pages.

Link: Kickstarter

Author: Paulo Garcia

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