Interview with John Kavanagh from the upcoming '8-bit Magazine'


Retrospekt website has published an interview with John Kavanagh, the guy behind the Kickstarter campaign that aim to bring a magazine all about 8-bit machines.

The article starts with “John Kavanagh is no stranger when it comes to online magazine publishing. Having produced CPC Oxygen magazine for the Amstrad community, he has a strong passion for vintage computers, particularly those of Lord Alan Sugar’s ilk. John is currently planning an 8-bit vintage computer magazine, which is currently on Kickstarter and has exceeded 200% of its goal. At the time of writing the campaign is still under way, and you have 39 days left to back the project. I got in touch with John to ask him a few questions about his background and what we can expect from this new publication.”

If that got you curious/hooked head over the Retrospekt website following the link below.

Link: Retrospekt

Author: Paulo Garcia

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