If you ever thought about trying your hands on coding Amiga demos, now you have a chance to get a jump start into it. ‘Dissident’ has released a guide about programming demos in assembler for Amiga.
The guide is the result of his 25 years of experience coding for the Amiga with tips and tricks based on his own findings, information from Amiga forums and other people’s demos.
On the release note, dissident humbly explains “This little aid is for those who have already the basic knowledge coding intros/demos on the Amiga in assembler but may have the same obstacles or questions as me.”
The document covers the following topics:
- Peculiarities of the MC68020/60
- Optimizing&tricks on the MC68000/20/60
- OCS/ECS/AGA and its differences
- Coding on the OCS with upward compatibility
- Programming the CIA on MC68020 or better machines
- Hardware bugs and their software solution
If you question Dissident’s authority to write about such a difficult subject, check one of his demos:
[youtube 0_K81sZA3xc nolink]
Download: Copper-rulez-AGAin.lha
Download Guide: http://aminet.net/package/docs/help/CoderAid
Source: pouet.net
yes were is the guide ??
Guide download link added ;)