MSX ‘Tina’s Adventure Island’ cartridge available for pre-order

Imanok, a prolific MSX game developer has announced that he’s taking pre-orders of his upcoming game ‘Tina’s Adventure Island’ for the MSX. According to the developer, you only need an MSX1 computer to play the 64Kb game, which features 35 stages and including 5 bosses.

I played a bit of the demo available and the side scroller platformer game shows great potential with colorful graphics, nice tune, and smooth gameplay.

The game will be available in cartridge (physical copy!!!) but the price is yet to be announced since Imanok needs an idea of the number of cartridges he has to produce.

To place your order or asking questions about the game visit this forum thread for further information. There is also other games made by Imanok that you can check on his website.

Link: Demo
Source: MSX Resource Centre

Author: Paulo Garcia

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