Back in the 80’s, the Brazilian government restricted the importation of microcomputers to help the local industry to develop. That was a great opportunity for those companies to create clones of the most important computers of the time: Sinclair ZX-81, TRS-80, Apple and later on, IBM PC.
One of the biggest microcomputer manufacturers at the time was Prologica Computadores. The company was responsible for many different clones, including the best seller CP-500, which is a TRS-80 Model III clone.
Everaldo R. Lima wrote an article (in Portuguese, link below) where he tells the story of the time he worked in the CP-500 development team at Prologica, but for one reason or another, he was never able to buy one for himself. Fast forwarding to 2017, he decided to build one, but to save space, he did it using a smaller scale. The article shows in details how he did it.
The machine has even a “fake” floppies that are actually read by the drive and tell the emulator what program to load! I’ve never seen that before!
With his authorization, the article was translated and reproduced below. It is fascinating reading, trust me!
The article “My CP500 Prológica miniature version.”
Back in 1984, after I left the Nova Eletronica magazine, and after a brief time at ITAUTEC, I was invited to be part of the development team responsible for the personal computer line at Prologica Computadores.
My first task when I joined the team was to read and understand “head to toe” the TRS-80 Model III technical manual. I remember to spend several scorching days reading the manual and more than often not remembering what I had just read after dozing off out of exhaustion. All that work had only one objective, prepare me to work on the CP500 development!
Throughout the CP500 lifespan, I worked in many different projects that improved the machine, like the 80-column video for CP/M support (which debuted as model CP500 M80); the redesign of the computer PCB, which aimed reducing its size (for the CP500 M80C); the hardware reconfiguration to double the CPU speed (for the CP500 TURBO); the capacitive keyboard and other peripherals. I also worked on countless projects other than the CP500, including the CP400 (CoCo clone), but that is stories for another article!
So much involvement with the CP500, but I was never able to have my own.
Recently I decided to fix that, creating my own CP500 clone and, for the lack of space, I decided to build it using a reduced scale. The “little” CP500 would have the right scale so it would be built around an old 7″ monitor I took from a car headrest.
As software platform for my clone I decided, after some tests, to go with SDLTRS. The SDLTRS is an open source multi-platform emulator (Windows, Linux, and Mac). For hardware, due to the clone dimensions, the best fit was the Raspberry PI 3, which gives me the possibility to use the “little CP500” as a very elegant development platform as well as a game machine.
The first challenge I faced was the case design, which was only possible with the help of Claudio Henrique Picolo, owner of an actual vintage CP500 M80C. He took some pictures of the machine, adding some measurements. The other dimensions that weren’t included by him were easy to find with simple calculations.
After having all the dimensions, I applied the proper scale and made the pieces of an MDF sheet using a laser cutter.
The second big challenge was to build a functional keyboard. It was built using a microcontroller ATMEGA 8535 with a USB interface for the Raspberry PI. The smaller keys were built in scale using resin.
The keyboard controller is also responsible for controlling loading the virtual disks. After a virtual diskette is inserted, the controller reads a binary code from the holes in the disks and loads the correspondent program from the SD card.
Since SDLTRS is open source, I was able to modify it to emulate the floppy drives LEDs sounds.
You can watch my “little” CP500 in action watching the video below.
[youtube grPx9grmCMk nolink]
Vintage is the New Old would like to thank Everaldo for this article and the permission to translate and publish it.
Source: All Digital Blog
Link: CP500 information (in English)
Id buy that for a dollar
C’mon, it is worth way more than that! :)
I wish someone was making a similar looking case or similar to the TRS-80 model III for the Raspberry pi with a 12″ or larger 4:3 screen and room for a 86key mechanical keyboard. I’d love to have one like that for learning Linux more and programming vintage style retro games with fake monochrome (green or amber) graphics like in the early days of CRPGs and such. :)
Great work on the design BTW. :)
I would like to have something similar to model III using that mini design. It is pretty cool (and use less space :) )
I wish there was a site that made/sold cases like that. Either full sized replicas for the Raspberry Pi or the smaller designs as long as they have working keyboards. :) Then we just pop in the Pi and screen. There is just something nostalgic about coding or simply computing on a system that looks similar in physical design to the model III or even some of the early era dumb terminals, Commodore PETs, etc. Maybe someday there will be a way to buy them. For now, I have an old model III in the attic that is broken. I may try to gut it and see if I can fit a mechanical keyboard and 12″ LCD in the case. I’m not an expert at doing things like that, but I’ll definitely be looking into it. I mean the model III in my attic is dead, so what better use than to try and re-purpose it as a Pi Linux box. :)
Very cool.
Wonderfull, a very nice work.
As there were various ‘clones’ in Germany the EACA Video Genie is the most known. There was a Genie III which is like a Modell III / V but not 100% compatibel.
Today all variants of the genie computers are able to run with SDLTRS by Jens Guenter from
and even the CP/M versions on Video genie I work well.
Pictures are posted in