The story of Amstrad CPC by ‘Nostalgia Nerd’

Peter Leigh has released a 2-video special about the Amstrad CPC. The 1-hour long video is available on Nostalgia Nerd YouTube channel and tells a detailed story of the origins of Amstrad and how the iconic Amstrad CPC came to be.

If you are from one of the countries where Amstrad sold the CPC, it is a great opportunity to revive the golden years of the machine, its games, and other software. If you are from elsewhere, the video will teach you everything you need to know!

Peter made an excellent work putting together the story and editing relevant images from the time.

[youtube 8o1OTwFv7WQ nolink]

[youtube f1KS7nSKnxE nolink]

Author: Paulo Garcia

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