The next already traditional RetroChallenge will start in a few days, April 1st and as of now has 11 participants. Although this is already a great number to make it interesting, the organizers are seeking for more courageous retro enthusiasts that are willing to spend the month of April working on a specific retro computer related project, blog about it and maybe getting nice prizes.
Competition Rules
- RetroChallenge 2017/04 commences 1st April 2017 and runs until 30th April 2017.
- In order to qualify, computer systems must by approximately 10 years old (or older!) however exceptions will always be made for exotica!
- Gaming consoles and PDAs qualify if they were made in the previous century.
- Where appropriate, replica hardware and emulators may be used.
- Entrants are responsible for adequately documenting their projects and submitting occasional updates during the contest.
- Projects may encompass any aspect of retro-computing that tickles the fancy of the individual entrant.
- Winners will be carefully selected and adulation bestowed.
- Have fun!
Prizes Available
- Bounty Box: 8-bit pixelated sunglasses, a copy of The Soul of a New Machine (1981) in genuine dead-tree format, and a pack of Sugru pliable epoxy repair putty (donated by Mike Spooner)
- a copy of Terrible Nerd signed paper book or kindle (donated by Kevin Savetz)
- a signed/autographed Floppy Days T-shirt? Or any sort of Floppy Days item that can be purchased from VistaPrint (donated by Randy Kindig)
- a copy of the Original Gamer Stevie Strow CoCoFEST 25th Anniversary Edition CoCo Game Play Videos DVD (donated by Steve Strowbridge)
If you are only interested in following the participants reports, check below the list of the current contestants and what they are planning to do.
Link: Retrochallenge
Link: List of participants