It is typical for any Kickstarter project the existence of stretch goals.
The idea is to either improve the product or give extra perks if the funding money passes the target goal for a good margin and reaches other targets values.
When launched, we noticed that the ZX Spectrum Next didn’t have any stretch goal defined, which is not really uncommon, but since the project is already funded, Henrique Olifiers and the team have published a list of improvements in case the project can gather more money.
Here is the list:
£350,000 – A Better, Stronger Next
We expand the SLX9 FPGA to its bigger brother, the SLX16. What does it do? Glad you asked: we can add much more hardware features into the Next (60% more room), making it a better computer than it already is!
£450,000 – Expand Me Easy
The Next gets sockets for the extra memory, making it as easy as slotting in a memory chip in order to expand its RAM, no more soldering involved. The WiFi also gets a slot, removing the need for soldering too.
£550,000 – The Holy Manual
A wire bound printed manual upgrade, with a sci-fi cover to invoke warm feelings on those in the know.
£650,000 – Secret
We’ll unwrap this one soon!
£750,000 – Mega Secret
Will we ever unwrap this?
When it was asked on Facebook what kind of stretch goals the backers wanted, I mentioned that I’d rather have the production time speeded up and having the team focusing on getting the project out, with no distractions. After seeing the goals above, I can say I am relieved to see all the goals make total sense and it doesn’t look like it will spread the team’s attention thin. Of course, we don’t know what will come after the £650K, so we will have to wait.
With 27 days to go, the Next gathered from backers £293,000 (USD 375,000), so I believe it is a safe bet that at least the first stretch goal is going to happen, which is a clever choice considering how easy is to use a better CPU. The £450K mark will be hard to reach in my opinion unless the Next gets the attention of mainstream outlets bringing a broader audience to know about the project (like it happened with the Vega). There are a few British outlets already reporting it, but it will need more to increase the fund raising process.
Probably the goals were ranked based on cost, but I’d like to have the slots for memory expansion and WiFi as the first tier, and CPU as the second, as it would make it easier to expand or replace a faulty module, for example.