Apple Lisa Operating System source code to be released in 2018


Would you buy new a computer for US$ 24,000 nowadays? Unless you are loaded, the answer is probably “no”. That is what happened with the Apple Lisa when it was released in 1983 for US$ 10,000. Although it had very cool technology with its Graphic User Interface and the use of a mouse to interact with the computer, only about 100,000 Lisas were sold before it was discontinued in 1986 (as a comparison, the Apple II would sell around 15 times that during the same period).

If you are curious to know more about how The Apple Lisa Operating System worked, you will be glad to know that the Computer History Museum will release Apple Lisa OS source code next year, according to an announcement made in the LisaList mailing list.

On the list, Al Kossov writes: “Just wanted to let everyone know the sources to the OS and applications were recovered, I converted them to Unix end of line conventions and spaces for Pascal tabs after recovering the files using Disk Image Chef, and they are with Apple for review. After that’s done, CHM will do an @CHM blog post about the historical significance of the software and the code that is cleared for release by Apple will be made available in 2018. The only thing I saw that probably won’t be able to be released is the American Heritage dictionary for the spell checker in LisaWrite ” 

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It is certainly good news for the retro computer enthusiast that might be interested in tinkering with Apple’s OS.

Source: Marvin on ViTNO Slack Channel

Author: Paulo Garcia

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