Hi retro gaming people, we are “The Retro Shed!” and we’re also very excited to be contributors to Vintage Is The New Old, so thanks to the team for inviting us to take part!
We are a family based in Worcestershire who adore all things gaming and computing, the older the better, and we have a shed dedicated to the cause. There’s a clue in the name…
The Team Retro Shed comprises of Barry, the old chap who’s been into gaming from the beginning – Pong, Invaders etc, then we have Izzy who is more of a 90’s generation gamer who has been brought up on Xbox, N64 and PS2 and Josh, the youngest member of the team who loves modern gaming – to him, if its not constantly online, its no good!
You can follow our exploits and fun on our YouTube Channel
We’re also on Facebook: The Retro Shed
And Twitter: @shed_retro