Fsuinnc on Atari Age has released a new work in progress game for the Intellivision called Planetoid. The game is a clone version of the classic 1979 Arcade game Asteroids. As the game is still work in progress, currently you are set to invincible. Each game lasts 90 seconds and for every planet you destroy you are awarded one point. The game has a save state as long as you don’t reset the system. You can download the rom for free below and test it out yourself. ;-)
Download: Planetoid_20180131.rom
Download: Planetoid_20180131.bas
Website: atariage.com
Will this game be CIB?
I don’t think so. It’s been a while since the ROMs were released. Maybe you can ask the author at https://forums.atariage.com/topic/274090-roms-for-use-with-lto-flash