The people have spoken! Mighty Final Fight and Ninja Gaiden Shadow Warriors win ZX-Dev Conversions “People’s Choice Awards”

Mighty Final Fight – The winner

Planeta Sinclair, a great Portuguese-speaking website about the ZX Spectrum, has just announced the winners of its poll trying to find the best ZX-Dev Conversion.

Two highly acclaimed conversions that we have already covered, Mighty Final Fight and Ninja Gaiden Shadow Warriors have nabbed the first and second place, respectively.

There were a total of 173 votes, and Mighty Final Fight took 53 of them or 30,64% of the total. Ninja Gaiden is not too far behind, with 46 votes (26,59%).

At the beginning of March, we will know the official results and see if the judges’ choices reflect what the people have to say!

Directly from Planeta Sinclair, here are the results:

Source: Planeta Sinclair

Author: Paulo Garcia

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